Expand description

A crate to help build DynamoDB condition, filter, key condition, and update expressions in a type-safe way, including using expression attribute names and expression attribute values.

Path represents a DynamoDB document path, and has many methods for building various expressions. Expression is the type to use for a DynamoDB expression.

An example showing a how to use this crate to perform a query:

use aws_config::BehaviorVersion;
use aws_sdk_dynamodb::Client;
use dynamodb_expression::{Expression, Num, Path};

let client = Client::new(&aws_config::load_defaults(BehaviorVersion::latest()).await);

let query_output = Expression::builder()
    .with_projection(["name", "age"])

From here, see Path for building updates, filters, or conditions, and then Expression to turn those into DynamoDB expressions.

§What about Rusoto?

Rusoto is intentionally not supported.

If you are using Rusoto and want to take advantage of this crate, you can still build an Expression, then convert the aws_sdk_dynamodb::types::AttributeValue that are in the expression_attribute_values field into rusoto_dynamodb::AttributeValue. The rest of the fields are already what’s needed.

use aws_sdk_dynamodb::{primitives::Blob, types::AttributeValue as AwsAv};
use dynamodb_expression::{Expression, Num, Path};
use itermap::IterMap;
use rusoto_core::Region;
use rusoto_dynamodb::{AttributeValue as RusotoAv, DynamoDb, DynamoDbClient, QueryInput};

let expression = Expression::builder()
    .with_projection(["name", "age"])

let input = QueryInput {
    filter_expression: expression.filter_expression,
    projection_expression: expression.projection_expression,
    key_condition_expression: expression.key_condition_expression,
    expression_attribute_names: expression.expression_attribute_names,
    expression_attribute_values: expression
        .map(|values| values.into_iter().map_values(convert_av).collect()),
    table_name: String::from("people"),

let output = DynamoDbClient::new(Region::UsEast1).query(input).await?;

fn convert_av(av: AwsAv) -> RusotoAv {
    let mut rav = RusotoAv::default();

    match av {
        AwsAv::B(av) => rav.b = Some(av.into_inner().into()),
        AwsAv::Bool(av) => rav.bool = av.into(),
        AwsAv::Bs(av) => {
            rav.bs = Some(
        AwsAv::L(av) => rav.l = Some(av.into_iter().map(convert_av).collect()),
        AwsAv::M(av) => rav.m = Some(av.into_iter().map_values(convert_av).collect()),
        AwsAv::N(av) => rav.n = av.into(),
        AwsAv::Ns(av) => rav.ns = av.into(),
        AwsAv::Null(av) => rav.null = av.into(),
        AwsAv::S(av) => rav.s = av.into(),
        AwsAv::Ss(av) => rav.ss = av.into(),
        _ => unimplemented!(
            "A variant was added to aws_sdk_dynamodb::types::AttributeValue \
                and not implemented here: {av:?}",



