Crate dusk_wallet

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Dusk Wallet Lib

The dusk_wallet library aims to provide an easy and convenient way of interfacing with the Dusk Network.

Clients can use Wallet to create their Dusk wallet, send transactions through the network of their choice, stake and withdraw rewards, etc.


This library contains the primitive related to the gas used for transaction in the Dusk Network.


A public address within the Dusk Network
This structs represent a Note decoded enriched with useful chain information
Denomination for DUSK
Transport details for establishing a TCP/IP connection to the Dusk Network
Transport details for establishing a unix-domain socket (UDS) connection to a local Rusk instance
The interface to the Dusk Network
Wrapper around PathBuf for wallet paths


Errors returned by this library


The length of an epoch in blocks
The largest amount of Dusk that is possible to convert
The smallest amount of Dusk that is possible to convert


Transport details for the Dusk Network
Provides access to a secure wallet file

Type Definitions

The underlying unit of Dusk