pub trait CanStore<T>: ValidLayout {
    // Provided method
    fn assert_can_store() { ... }
Expand description

Marker for if a Layout can store a given T.

This trait is always implemented and is a no-op on stable. The Self::assert_can_store() method must be called to actually assert if the Layout can store the type.

On nightly, bounding with this trait will cause the compiler error created by Self::assert_can_store() even when using cargo check. This requires the use of const generic expressions and therefore may cause issues on some nightly rustc versions. The use of const generic expressions can be disabled by having a DUNGEON_CELL_NO_GENERIC_CONST_EXPRS environment variable while building.

In the future, this trait may actually provide a type level bound of what dungeon_cell types can store.

Provided Methods§


fn assert_can_store()

Assert that type T can be stored in this layout.

A T can be stored if it’s size is equal to or smaller than the layout size, and the alignment is equal to or smaller than the layout alignment.

Unsafe code can use the above fact if this function returns.

By default, this function will cause a compiler error if the assert fails. The assertion is only triggered during an actual build. Therefore, cargo check won’t show them. The resulting compiler error doesn’t have any information on where the failing assert is located. Because of this limitation, the environment variable DUNGEON_CELL_RUNTIME_CHECKS can be enabled (it can have any value) while building dungeon_cell to have this function generate runtime panics with a backtrace instead.

Passing Assertions
use dungeon_cell::{Layout, layout_for, CanStore};

type LayoutI32 = layout_for!(i32);

<LayoutI32 as CanStore<u8>>::assert_can_store();
<LayoutI32 as CanStore<u16>>::assert_can_store();
<LayoutI32 as CanStore<i32>>::assert_can_store();
Failing Assertion
use dungeon_cell::{Layout, layout_for, CanStore};

<layout_for!(i32) as CanStore<String>>::assert_can_store();

Example of generated compile error for the above example:

error[E0080]: evaluation of `dungeon_cell::can_store::CanStore::<std::string::String, dungeon_cell::Layout<dungeon_cell::Size<4>, dungeon_cell::Alignment<4>>>::ASSERT` failed
   --> dungeon-cell/src/
372 |         do_assert::<T, L>(type_name, true);
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the evaluated program panicked at '

std::string::String with a size of 24 bytes, does not fit in a 4 byte buffer.

This error happens after monomorphization so the location of the code that
caused this to happen is not known. Add the `DUNGEON_CELL_RUNTIME_CHECKS`
environment variable when compiling to enable runtime panics with a backtrace.

', dungeon-cell/src/



impl<T, S: ValidSize, A: ValidAlignment> CanStore<T> for Layout<S, A>where Check<{ _ }>: Sized,