Crate ds

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ds is a library that allows for control of FIRST Robotics Competition robots. The protocol supported currently is that of the 2018 season, with only the bare minimum required to control the robot currently consumed. Diagnostic and telemetry information is not decoded and is discarded

The core trait for use of the crate is the DriverStation crate. This crate provides an API for connecting and controlling to the roboRIO in an FRC robot. It also allows for users to provide joystick input using arbitrary APIs, and to consume any incoming TCP packets.


Struct abstracting the byte value for alliance colour and position
Tag containing the time remaining in the current mode
Tag containing the current date and time in UTC
Represents a connection to the roboRIO acting as a driver station
Tag containing values from joysticks
Contains data outputted to standard output from robot code. Can be consumed by API users to display code logs
Tag containing the current timezone of the RIO


Enum representing a value from a Joystick to be transmitted to the roboRIO
Represents the current Mode that the robot is in. the Mode of the robot is considered separately from whether it is enabled or not
Enum containing possible incoming TCP packets from the roboRIO
Enum wrapping possible outgoing UDP tags

Type Definitions