[][src]Crate drying_paint

The name 'drying_paint' comes from the expression "watching paint dry". This module provides a system to "watch" some values for changes and run code whenever they change.

The typical usage is as follows: you first define a structure to hold data, including some "watched" data.

struct HelloData {
    name: Watched<String>,
    greeting: String,

Implementing the trait WatcherInit for that structure gives you an place to set-up the code that should run when a watched value changes.

impl WatcherInit for HelloData {
    fn init(watcher: &mut WatcherMeta<Self>) {
        watcher.watch(|root| {
            root.greeting = format!("Hello, {}!", root.name);

Normally you need to wrap the data struct in a Watcher, so it's common to alias the watcher type to cleanup the syntax a bit:

type Hello = Watcher<HelloData>;

Creating watchers and setting watched data needs to happen within a WatchContext. WatchContext::update_current() will cause all the pending watcher code to run. WatchContext::allow_watcher_access() is used to create and access the Watcher, This is required in order to comply with aliasing rules.

fn main() {
    let mut ctx = WatchContext::new();
    ctx = ctx.with(|| {
        let obj = WatchContext::allow_watcher_access((), |()| {
            let mut obj = Hello::new();
            *obj.data_mut().name = "Rust".to_string();
        let obj = WatchContext::allow_watcher_access(obj, |obj| {
            assert_eq!(obj.data().greeting, "Hello, Rust!");



Most of the functions in this crate require that they are executing in a context. The context keeps track of some "global" state which enables the functionality in this crate.


This represents some value which will be interesting to watch. Watcher functions that reference this value will be re-run when this value changes.


A Watched value which provides interior mutability. This provides correct behavior (triggering watch functions when changed) where Watched<Cell<T>> would not, and should be slightly more performant than RefCell<Watched<T>>.


A WatchedEvent uses the watch system provided by this crate to implement an event disptacher. This is different from a watched value (Watched) in that events will fire for each value passed to WatchedEvent::dispatch() and will not "store" the data.


This provides the basic functionality behind watched values. You can use it to provide functionality using the watch system for cases where Watched and WatchedEvent are not appropriate.


Watcher is a structure designed to hold some data along with associated functions which will run when watched data changes.


A type representing a unique id for a particular instance of a watcher. This value may outlive the watcher, and will never compare equal to a value returned by the id method of a Watcher other than this one.


This structure is used internally by Watcher. It is passed to the init function of WatcherInit, the trait which is required to be implemented by the data stored in Watchers.



This trait is required to be implemented by the data stored in Watchers. It provides a convient point to register watching functions.