Enum dprint_swc_ecma_ast_view::Node[][src]

pub enum Node<'a> {
Show 163 variants ArrayLit(&'a ArrayLit<'a>), ArrayPat(&'a ArrayPat<'a>), ArrowExpr(&'a ArrowExpr<'a>), AssignExpr(&'a AssignExpr<'a>), AssignPat(&'a AssignPat<'a>), AssignPatProp(&'a AssignPatProp<'a>), AssignProp(&'a AssignProp<'a>), AwaitExpr(&'a AwaitExpr<'a>), BigInt(&'a BigInt<'a>), BinExpr(&'a BinExpr<'a>), BindingIdent(&'a BindingIdent<'a>), BlockStmt(&'a BlockStmt<'a>), Bool(&'a Bool<'a>), BreakStmt(&'a BreakStmt<'a>), CallExpr(&'a CallExpr<'a>), CatchClause(&'a CatchClause<'a>), Class(&'a Class<'a>), ClassDecl(&'a ClassDecl<'a>), ClassExpr(&'a ClassExpr<'a>), ClassMethod(&'a ClassMethod<'a>), ClassProp(&'a ClassProp<'a>), ComputedPropName(&'a ComputedPropName<'a>), CondExpr(&'a CondExpr<'a>), Constructor(&'a Constructor<'a>), ContinueStmt(&'a ContinueStmt<'a>), DebuggerStmt(&'a DebuggerStmt<'a>), Decorator(&'a Decorator<'a>), DoWhileStmt(&'a DoWhileStmt<'a>), EmptyStmt(&'a EmptyStmt<'a>), ExportAll(&'a ExportAll<'a>), ExportDecl(&'a ExportDecl<'a>), ExportDefaultDecl(&'a ExportDefaultDecl<'a>), ExportDefaultExpr(&'a ExportDefaultExpr<'a>), ExportDefaultSpecifier(&'a ExportDefaultSpecifier<'a>), ExportNamedSpecifier(&'a ExportNamedSpecifier<'a>), ExportNamespaceSpecifier(&'a ExportNamespaceSpecifier<'a>), ExprOrSpread(&'a ExprOrSpread<'a>), ExprStmt(&'a ExprStmt<'a>), FnDecl(&'a FnDecl<'a>), FnExpr(&'a FnExpr<'a>), ForInStmt(&'a ForInStmt<'a>), ForOfStmt(&'a ForOfStmt<'a>), ForStmt(&'a ForStmt<'a>), Function(&'a Function<'a>), GetterProp(&'a GetterProp<'a>), Ident(&'a Ident<'a>), IfStmt(&'a IfStmt<'a>), ImportDecl(&'a ImportDecl<'a>), ImportDefaultSpecifier(&'a ImportDefaultSpecifier<'a>), ImportNamedSpecifier(&'a ImportNamedSpecifier<'a>), ImportStarAsSpecifier(&'a ImportStarAsSpecifier<'a>), Invalid(&'a Invalid<'a>), JSXAttr(&'a JSXAttr<'a>), JSXClosingElement(&'a JSXClosingElement<'a>), JSXClosingFragment(&'a JSXClosingFragment<'a>), JSXElement(&'a JSXElement<'a>), JSXEmptyExpr(&'a JSXEmptyExpr<'a>), JSXExprContainer(&'a JSXExprContainer<'a>), JSXFragment(&'a JSXFragment<'a>), JSXMemberExpr(&'a JSXMemberExpr<'a>), JSXNamespacedName(&'a JSXNamespacedName<'a>), JSXOpeningElement(&'a JSXOpeningElement<'a>), JSXOpeningFragment(&'a JSXOpeningFragment<'a>), JSXSpreadChild(&'a JSXSpreadChild<'a>), JSXText(&'a JSXText<'a>), KeyValuePatProp(&'a KeyValuePatProp<'a>), KeyValueProp(&'a KeyValueProp<'a>), LabeledStmt(&'a LabeledStmt<'a>), MemberExpr(&'a MemberExpr<'a>), MetaPropExpr(&'a MetaPropExpr<'a>), MethodProp(&'a MethodProp<'a>), Module(&'a Module<'a>), NamedExport(&'a NamedExport<'a>), NewExpr(&'a NewExpr<'a>), Null(&'a Null<'a>), Number(&'a Number<'a>), ObjectLit(&'a ObjectLit<'a>), ObjectPat(&'a ObjectPat<'a>), OptChainExpr(&'a OptChainExpr<'a>), Param(&'a Param<'a>), ParenExpr(&'a ParenExpr<'a>), PrivateMethod(&'a PrivateMethod<'a>), PrivateName(&'a PrivateName<'a>), PrivateProp(&'a PrivateProp<'a>), Regex(&'a Regex<'a>), RestPat(&'a RestPat<'a>), ReturnStmt(&'a ReturnStmt<'a>), Script(&'a Script<'a>), SeqExpr(&'a SeqExpr<'a>), SetterProp(&'a SetterProp<'a>), SpreadElement(&'a SpreadElement<'a>), StaticBlock(&'a StaticBlock<'a>), Str(&'a Str<'a>), Super(&'a Super<'a>), SwitchCase(&'a SwitchCase<'a>), SwitchStmt(&'a SwitchStmt<'a>), TaggedTpl(&'a TaggedTpl<'a>), ThisExpr(&'a ThisExpr<'a>), ThrowStmt(&'a ThrowStmt<'a>), Tpl(&'a Tpl<'a>), TplElement(&'a TplElement<'a>), TryStmt(&'a TryStmt<'a>), TsArrayType(&'a TsArrayType<'a>), TsAsExpr(&'a TsAsExpr<'a>), TsCallSignatureDecl(&'a TsCallSignatureDecl<'a>), TsConditionalType(&'a TsConditionalType<'a>), TsConstAssertion(&'a TsConstAssertion<'a>), TsConstructSignatureDecl(&'a TsConstructSignatureDecl<'a>), TsConstructorType(&'a TsConstructorType<'a>), TsEnumDecl(&'a TsEnumDecl<'a>), TsEnumMember(&'a TsEnumMember<'a>), TsExportAssignment(&'a TsExportAssignment<'a>), TsExprWithTypeArgs(&'a TsExprWithTypeArgs<'a>), TsExternalModuleRef(&'a TsExternalModuleRef<'a>), TsFnType(&'a TsFnType<'a>), TsGetterSignature(&'a TsGetterSignature<'a>), TsImportEqualsDecl(&'a TsImportEqualsDecl<'a>), TsImportType(&'a TsImportType<'a>), TsIndexSignature(&'a TsIndexSignature<'a>), TsIndexedAccessType(&'a TsIndexedAccessType<'a>), TsInferType(&'a TsInferType<'a>), TsInterfaceBody(&'a TsInterfaceBody<'a>), TsInterfaceDecl(&'a TsInterfaceDecl<'a>), TsIntersectionType(&'a TsIntersectionType<'a>), TsKeywordType(&'a TsKeywordType<'a>), TsLitType(&'a TsLitType<'a>), TsMappedType(&'a TsMappedType<'a>), TsMethodSignature(&'a TsMethodSignature<'a>), TsModuleBlock(&'a TsModuleBlock<'a>), TsModuleDecl(&'a TsModuleDecl<'a>), TsNamespaceDecl(&'a TsNamespaceDecl<'a>), TsNamespaceExportDecl(&'a TsNamespaceExportDecl<'a>), TsNonNullExpr(&'a TsNonNullExpr<'a>), TsOptionalType(&'a TsOptionalType<'a>), TsParamProp(&'a TsParamProp<'a>), TsParenthesizedType(&'a TsParenthesizedType<'a>), TsPropertySignature(&'a TsPropertySignature<'a>), TsQualifiedName(&'a TsQualifiedName<'a>), TsRestType(&'a TsRestType<'a>), TsSetterSignature(&'a TsSetterSignature<'a>), TsThisType(&'a TsThisType<'a>), TsTplLitType(&'a TsTplLitType<'a>), TsTupleElement(&'a TsTupleElement<'a>), TsTupleType(&'a TsTupleType<'a>), TsTypeAliasDecl(&'a TsTypeAliasDecl<'a>), TsTypeAnn(&'a TsTypeAnn<'a>), TsTypeAssertion(&'a TsTypeAssertion<'a>), TsTypeLit(&'a TsTypeLit<'a>), TsTypeOperator(&'a TsTypeOperator<'a>), TsTypeParam(&'a TsTypeParam<'a>), TsTypeParamDecl(&'a TsTypeParamDecl<'a>), TsTypeParamInstantiation(&'a TsTypeParamInstantiation<'a>), TsTypePredicate(&'a TsTypePredicate<'a>), TsTypeQuery(&'a TsTypeQuery<'a>), TsTypeRef(&'a TsTypeRef<'a>), TsUnionType(&'a TsUnionType<'a>), UnaryExpr(&'a UnaryExpr<'a>), UpdateExpr(&'a UpdateExpr<'a>), VarDecl(&'a VarDecl<'a>), VarDeclarator(&'a VarDeclarator<'a>), WhileStmt(&'a WhileStmt<'a>), WithStmt(&'a WithStmt<'a>), YieldExpr(&'a YieldExpr<'a>),


ArrayLit(&'a ArrayLit<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ArrayLit

0: &'a ArrayLit<'a>
ArrayPat(&'a ArrayPat<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ArrayPat

0: &'a ArrayPat<'a>
ArrowExpr(&'a ArrowExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ArrowExpr

0: &'a ArrowExpr<'a>
AssignExpr(&'a AssignExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of AssignExpr

0: &'a AssignExpr<'a>
AssignPat(&'a AssignPat<'a>)

Tuple Fields of AssignPat

0: &'a AssignPat<'a>
AssignPatProp(&'a AssignPatProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of AssignPatProp

0: &'a AssignPatProp<'a>
AssignProp(&'a AssignProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of AssignProp

0: &'a AssignProp<'a>
AwaitExpr(&'a AwaitExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of AwaitExpr

0: &'a AwaitExpr<'a>
BigInt(&'a BigInt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of BigInt

0: &'a BigInt<'a>
BinExpr(&'a BinExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of BinExpr

0: &'a BinExpr<'a>
BindingIdent(&'a BindingIdent<'a>)

Tuple Fields of BindingIdent

0: &'a BindingIdent<'a>
BlockStmt(&'a BlockStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of BlockStmt

0: &'a BlockStmt<'a>
Bool(&'a Bool<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Bool

0: &'a Bool<'a>
BreakStmt(&'a BreakStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of BreakStmt

0: &'a BreakStmt<'a>
CallExpr(&'a CallExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of CallExpr

0: &'a CallExpr<'a>
CatchClause(&'a CatchClause<'a>)

Tuple Fields of CatchClause

0: &'a CatchClause<'a>
Class(&'a Class<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Class

0: &'a Class<'a>
ClassDecl(&'a ClassDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ClassDecl

0: &'a ClassDecl<'a>
ClassExpr(&'a ClassExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ClassExpr

0: &'a ClassExpr<'a>
ClassMethod(&'a ClassMethod<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ClassMethod

0: &'a ClassMethod<'a>
ClassProp(&'a ClassProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ClassProp

0: &'a ClassProp<'a>
ComputedPropName(&'a ComputedPropName<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ComputedPropName

0: &'a ComputedPropName<'a>
CondExpr(&'a CondExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of CondExpr

0: &'a CondExpr<'a>
Constructor(&'a Constructor<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Constructor

0: &'a Constructor<'a>
ContinueStmt(&'a ContinueStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ContinueStmt

0: &'a ContinueStmt<'a>
DebuggerStmt(&'a DebuggerStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of DebuggerStmt

0: &'a DebuggerStmt<'a>
Decorator(&'a Decorator<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Decorator

0: &'a Decorator<'a>
DoWhileStmt(&'a DoWhileStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of DoWhileStmt

0: &'a DoWhileStmt<'a>
EmptyStmt(&'a EmptyStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of EmptyStmt

0: &'a EmptyStmt<'a>
ExportAll(&'a ExportAll<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExportAll

0: &'a ExportAll<'a>
ExportDecl(&'a ExportDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExportDecl

0: &'a ExportDecl<'a>
ExportDefaultDecl(&'a ExportDefaultDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExportDefaultDecl

0: &'a ExportDefaultDecl<'a>
ExportDefaultExpr(&'a ExportDefaultExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExportDefaultExpr

0: &'a ExportDefaultExpr<'a>
ExportDefaultSpecifier(&'a ExportDefaultSpecifier<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExportDefaultSpecifier

0: &'a ExportDefaultSpecifier<'a>
ExportNamedSpecifier(&'a ExportNamedSpecifier<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExportNamedSpecifier

0: &'a ExportNamedSpecifier<'a>
ExportNamespaceSpecifier(&'a ExportNamespaceSpecifier<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExportNamespaceSpecifier

0: &'a ExportNamespaceSpecifier<'a>
ExprOrSpread(&'a ExprOrSpread<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExprOrSpread

0: &'a ExprOrSpread<'a>
ExprStmt(&'a ExprStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ExprStmt

0: &'a ExprStmt<'a>
FnDecl(&'a FnDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of FnDecl

0: &'a FnDecl<'a>
FnExpr(&'a FnExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of FnExpr

0: &'a FnExpr<'a>
ForInStmt(&'a ForInStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ForInStmt

0: &'a ForInStmt<'a>
ForOfStmt(&'a ForOfStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ForOfStmt

0: &'a ForOfStmt<'a>
ForStmt(&'a ForStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ForStmt

0: &'a ForStmt<'a>
Function(&'a Function<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Function

0: &'a Function<'a>
GetterProp(&'a GetterProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of GetterProp

0: &'a GetterProp<'a>
Ident(&'a Ident<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Ident

0: &'a Ident<'a>
IfStmt(&'a IfStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of IfStmt

0: &'a IfStmt<'a>
ImportDecl(&'a ImportDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ImportDecl

0: &'a ImportDecl<'a>
ImportDefaultSpecifier(&'a ImportDefaultSpecifier<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ImportDefaultSpecifier

0: &'a ImportDefaultSpecifier<'a>
ImportNamedSpecifier(&'a ImportNamedSpecifier<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ImportNamedSpecifier

0: &'a ImportNamedSpecifier<'a>
ImportStarAsSpecifier(&'a ImportStarAsSpecifier<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ImportStarAsSpecifier

0: &'a ImportStarAsSpecifier<'a>
Invalid(&'a Invalid<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Invalid

0: &'a Invalid<'a>
JSXAttr(&'a JSXAttr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXAttr

0: &'a JSXAttr<'a>
JSXClosingElement(&'a JSXClosingElement<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXClosingElement

0: &'a JSXClosingElement<'a>
JSXClosingFragment(&'a JSXClosingFragment<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXClosingFragment

0: &'a JSXClosingFragment<'a>
JSXElement(&'a JSXElement<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXElement

0: &'a JSXElement<'a>
JSXEmptyExpr(&'a JSXEmptyExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXEmptyExpr

0: &'a JSXEmptyExpr<'a>
JSXExprContainer(&'a JSXExprContainer<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXExprContainer

0: &'a JSXExprContainer<'a>
JSXFragment(&'a JSXFragment<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXFragment

0: &'a JSXFragment<'a>
JSXMemberExpr(&'a JSXMemberExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXMemberExpr

0: &'a JSXMemberExpr<'a>
JSXNamespacedName(&'a JSXNamespacedName<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXNamespacedName

0: &'a JSXNamespacedName<'a>
JSXOpeningElement(&'a JSXOpeningElement<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXOpeningElement

0: &'a JSXOpeningElement<'a>
JSXOpeningFragment(&'a JSXOpeningFragment<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXOpeningFragment

0: &'a JSXOpeningFragment<'a>
JSXSpreadChild(&'a JSXSpreadChild<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXSpreadChild

0: &'a JSXSpreadChild<'a>
JSXText(&'a JSXText<'a>)

Tuple Fields of JSXText

0: &'a JSXText<'a>
KeyValuePatProp(&'a KeyValuePatProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of KeyValuePatProp

0: &'a KeyValuePatProp<'a>
KeyValueProp(&'a KeyValueProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of KeyValueProp

0: &'a KeyValueProp<'a>
LabeledStmt(&'a LabeledStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of LabeledStmt

0: &'a LabeledStmt<'a>
MemberExpr(&'a MemberExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of MemberExpr

0: &'a MemberExpr<'a>
MetaPropExpr(&'a MetaPropExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of MetaPropExpr

0: &'a MetaPropExpr<'a>
MethodProp(&'a MethodProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of MethodProp

0: &'a MethodProp<'a>
Module(&'a Module<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Module

0: &'a Module<'a>
NamedExport(&'a NamedExport<'a>)

Tuple Fields of NamedExport

0: &'a NamedExport<'a>
NewExpr(&'a NewExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of NewExpr

0: &'a NewExpr<'a>
Null(&'a Null<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Null

0: &'a Null<'a>
Number(&'a Number<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Number

0: &'a Number<'a>
ObjectLit(&'a ObjectLit<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ObjectLit

0: &'a ObjectLit<'a>
ObjectPat(&'a ObjectPat<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ObjectPat

0: &'a ObjectPat<'a>
OptChainExpr(&'a OptChainExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of OptChainExpr

0: &'a OptChainExpr<'a>
Param(&'a Param<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Param

0: &'a Param<'a>
ParenExpr(&'a ParenExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ParenExpr

0: &'a ParenExpr<'a>
PrivateMethod(&'a PrivateMethod<'a>)

Tuple Fields of PrivateMethod

0: &'a PrivateMethod<'a>
PrivateName(&'a PrivateName<'a>)

Tuple Fields of PrivateName

0: &'a PrivateName<'a>
PrivateProp(&'a PrivateProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of PrivateProp

0: &'a PrivateProp<'a>
Regex(&'a Regex<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Regex

0: &'a Regex<'a>
RestPat(&'a RestPat<'a>)

Tuple Fields of RestPat

0: &'a RestPat<'a>
ReturnStmt(&'a ReturnStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ReturnStmt

0: &'a ReturnStmt<'a>
Script(&'a Script<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Script

0: &'a Script<'a>
SeqExpr(&'a SeqExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of SeqExpr

0: &'a SeqExpr<'a>
SetterProp(&'a SetterProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of SetterProp

0: &'a SetterProp<'a>
SpreadElement(&'a SpreadElement<'a>)

Tuple Fields of SpreadElement

0: &'a SpreadElement<'a>
StaticBlock(&'a StaticBlock<'a>)

Tuple Fields of StaticBlock

0: &'a StaticBlock<'a>
Str(&'a Str<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Str

0: &'a Str<'a>
Super(&'a Super<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Super

0: &'a Super<'a>
SwitchCase(&'a SwitchCase<'a>)

Tuple Fields of SwitchCase

0: &'a SwitchCase<'a>
SwitchStmt(&'a SwitchStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of SwitchStmt

0: &'a SwitchStmt<'a>
TaggedTpl(&'a TaggedTpl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TaggedTpl

0: &'a TaggedTpl<'a>
ThisExpr(&'a ThisExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ThisExpr

0: &'a ThisExpr<'a>
ThrowStmt(&'a ThrowStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of ThrowStmt

0: &'a ThrowStmt<'a>
Tpl(&'a Tpl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of Tpl

0: &'a Tpl<'a>
TplElement(&'a TplElement<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TplElement

0: &'a TplElement<'a>
TryStmt(&'a TryStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TryStmt

0: &'a TryStmt<'a>
TsArrayType(&'a TsArrayType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsArrayType

0: &'a TsArrayType<'a>
TsAsExpr(&'a TsAsExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsAsExpr

0: &'a TsAsExpr<'a>
TsCallSignatureDecl(&'a TsCallSignatureDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsCallSignatureDecl

0: &'a TsCallSignatureDecl<'a>
TsConditionalType(&'a TsConditionalType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsConditionalType

0: &'a TsConditionalType<'a>
TsConstAssertion(&'a TsConstAssertion<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsConstAssertion

0: &'a TsConstAssertion<'a>
TsConstructSignatureDecl(&'a TsConstructSignatureDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsConstructSignatureDecl

0: &'a TsConstructSignatureDecl<'a>
TsConstructorType(&'a TsConstructorType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsConstructorType

0: &'a TsConstructorType<'a>
TsEnumDecl(&'a TsEnumDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsEnumDecl

0: &'a TsEnumDecl<'a>
TsEnumMember(&'a TsEnumMember<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsEnumMember

0: &'a TsEnumMember<'a>
TsExportAssignment(&'a TsExportAssignment<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsExportAssignment

0: &'a TsExportAssignment<'a>
TsExprWithTypeArgs(&'a TsExprWithTypeArgs<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsExprWithTypeArgs

0: &'a TsExprWithTypeArgs<'a>
TsExternalModuleRef(&'a TsExternalModuleRef<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsExternalModuleRef

0: &'a TsExternalModuleRef<'a>
TsFnType(&'a TsFnType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsFnType

0: &'a TsFnType<'a>
TsGetterSignature(&'a TsGetterSignature<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsGetterSignature

0: &'a TsGetterSignature<'a>
TsImportEqualsDecl(&'a TsImportEqualsDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsImportEqualsDecl

0: &'a TsImportEqualsDecl<'a>
TsImportType(&'a TsImportType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsImportType

0: &'a TsImportType<'a>
TsIndexSignature(&'a TsIndexSignature<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsIndexSignature

0: &'a TsIndexSignature<'a>
TsIndexedAccessType(&'a TsIndexedAccessType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsIndexedAccessType

0: &'a TsIndexedAccessType<'a>
TsInferType(&'a TsInferType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsInferType

0: &'a TsInferType<'a>
TsInterfaceBody(&'a TsInterfaceBody<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsInterfaceBody

0: &'a TsInterfaceBody<'a>
TsInterfaceDecl(&'a TsInterfaceDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsInterfaceDecl

0: &'a TsInterfaceDecl<'a>
TsIntersectionType(&'a TsIntersectionType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsIntersectionType

0: &'a TsIntersectionType<'a>
TsKeywordType(&'a TsKeywordType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsKeywordType

0: &'a TsKeywordType<'a>
TsLitType(&'a TsLitType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsLitType

0: &'a TsLitType<'a>
TsMappedType(&'a TsMappedType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsMappedType

0: &'a TsMappedType<'a>
TsMethodSignature(&'a TsMethodSignature<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsMethodSignature

0: &'a TsMethodSignature<'a>
TsModuleBlock(&'a TsModuleBlock<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsModuleBlock

0: &'a TsModuleBlock<'a>
TsModuleDecl(&'a TsModuleDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsModuleDecl

0: &'a TsModuleDecl<'a>
TsNamespaceDecl(&'a TsNamespaceDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsNamespaceDecl

0: &'a TsNamespaceDecl<'a>
TsNamespaceExportDecl(&'a TsNamespaceExportDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsNamespaceExportDecl

0: &'a TsNamespaceExportDecl<'a>
TsNonNullExpr(&'a TsNonNullExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsNonNullExpr

0: &'a TsNonNullExpr<'a>
TsOptionalType(&'a TsOptionalType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsOptionalType

0: &'a TsOptionalType<'a>
TsParamProp(&'a TsParamProp<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsParamProp

0: &'a TsParamProp<'a>
TsParenthesizedType(&'a TsParenthesizedType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsParenthesizedType

0: &'a TsParenthesizedType<'a>
TsPropertySignature(&'a TsPropertySignature<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsPropertySignature

0: &'a TsPropertySignature<'a>
TsQualifiedName(&'a TsQualifiedName<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsQualifiedName

0: &'a TsQualifiedName<'a>
TsRestType(&'a TsRestType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsRestType

0: &'a TsRestType<'a>
TsSetterSignature(&'a TsSetterSignature<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsSetterSignature

0: &'a TsSetterSignature<'a>
TsThisType(&'a TsThisType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsThisType

0: &'a TsThisType<'a>
TsTplLitType(&'a TsTplLitType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTplLitType

0: &'a TsTplLitType<'a>
TsTupleElement(&'a TsTupleElement<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTupleElement

0: &'a TsTupleElement<'a>
TsTupleType(&'a TsTupleType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTupleType

0: &'a TsTupleType<'a>
TsTypeAliasDecl(&'a TsTypeAliasDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeAliasDecl

0: &'a TsTypeAliasDecl<'a>
TsTypeAnn(&'a TsTypeAnn<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeAnn

0: &'a TsTypeAnn<'a>
TsTypeAssertion(&'a TsTypeAssertion<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeAssertion

0: &'a TsTypeAssertion<'a>
TsTypeLit(&'a TsTypeLit<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeLit

0: &'a TsTypeLit<'a>
TsTypeOperator(&'a TsTypeOperator<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeOperator

0: &'a TsTypeOperator<'a>
TsTypeParam(&'a TsTypeParam<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeParam

0: &'a TsTypeParam<'a>
TsTypeParamDecl(&'a TsTypeParamDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeParamDecl

0: &'a TsTypeParamDecl<'a>
TsTypeParamInstantiation(&'a TsTypeParamInstantiation<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeParamInstantiation

0: &'a TsTypeParamInstantiation<'a>
TsTypePredicate(&'a TsTypePredicate<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypePredicate

0: &'a TsTypePredicate<'a>
TsTypeQuery(&'a TsTypeQuery<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeQuery

0: &'a TsTypeQuery<'a>
TsTypeRef(&'a TsTypeRef<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsTypeRef

0: &'a TsTypeRef<'a>
TsUnionType(&'a TsUnionType<'a>)

Tuple Fields of TsUnionType

0: &'a TsUnionType<'a>
UnaryExpr(&'a UnaryExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of UnaryExpr

0: &'a UnaryExpr<'a>
UpdateExpr(&'a UpdateExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of UpdateExpr

0: &'a UpdateExpr<'a>
VarDecl(&'a VarDecl<'a>)

Tuple Fields of VarDecl

0: &'a VarDecl<'a>
VarDeclarator(&'a VarDeclarator<'a>)

Tuple Fields of VarDeclarator

0: &'a VarDeclarator<'a>
WhileStmt(&'a WhileStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of WhileStmt

0: &'a WhileStmt<'a>
WithStmt(&'a WithStmt<'a>)

Tuple Fields of WithStmt

0: &'a WithStmt<'a>
YieldExpr(&'a YieldExpr<'a>)

Tuple Fields of YieldExpr

0: &'a YieldExpr<'a>


Trait Implementations

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

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Performs the conversion.

Gets the previous siblings in the order they appear in the file.

Gets the next siblings in the order they appear in the file.

Gets the root node.

Gets the root node if the view was created from a Module; otherwise panics.

Gets the root node if the view was created from a Script; otherwise panics.

Gets the previous tokens in the order they appear in the file.

Gets the next tokens in the order they appear in the file.

Get span of self.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

recently added

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.