
TypeScript formatting configuration builder.


Where to place the opening brace.

Whether to surround a JSX element or fragment with parentheses when it’s the top JSX node and it spans multiple lines.

Whether to use single or double quotes for JSX attributes.

How to space members.

Where to place the next control flow within a control flow statement.

Where to place the operator for expressions that span multiple lines.

How to decide to use single or double quotes.

Whether to use semi-colons or commas.

Semi colon possibilities.

Where to place the expression of a statement that could possibly be on one line (ex. if (true) console.log(5);).

The kind of sort ordering to use.

Trailing comma possibilities.

If braces should be used or not in certain scenarios.

Whether to use parentheses around a single parameter in an arrow function.


Resolves configuration from a collection of key value strings.