Expand description

A core implementation of the D-PDU API (ISO 22900-2).

This crate just provides the type definitions in order to use the API with Rust code.

For a crate that actually uses this API, you can check the ecu_diagnostics crate

NOTE: To match the rust naming convention, enums and structure names have been slightly renamed.


Com primitive control data

ECU Unique response data

Async error notification data

IOCTL ethernet switch state

Event notification item

Expected response structure

Extra information data

Flag data

Async event information data

IOCTL Byte array structure

DoIP IO Entity address data

DoIP IO Entity status data

IOCTL Event queue property data

IOCTL Filter data structure

IOCTL programming voltage structure

Address info

Module identification data

Module identification information

ComParam byte field data

ComParam data information

Long field data

ComParam struct field data

Generic IOCTL type structure

Generic structure containing item type

Pin Data

Async result notification

Resource conflict data

Resource conflict item

Resource data

Item resource identification item

Item resource identification data

Resource status data

Resource status item

Unique response identification data

IOCTL Vehicle ID request

Version information


DoIP Combination mode

Communication primitive (ComParam) type

ComParam struct type

Function return values

Function error events (Used in asynchronous situations)

Event callback

Filter type

Information events

Item type values

Object type

ComParam data class

ComParam data type

IOCTL queue mode

Status codes

Timing set types used by [ParamStructAccessTiming]

Vehicle preselection mode


Undefined handle value

Undefined ID value

Type Definitions

PDU Event callback function type

Cancels and stops a ComPrimitive

Connects a ComLogicalLink to a vehicle interface

Constructs and initializes the PDU API library

Creates a ComLogicalLink for a given resource ID

Destroys a given ComLogicalLink

Destroys a given item

Closes all open communication channels and destructs the PDU API library

Disconnects a ComLogicalLink from a vehicle interface

Obtains a communication or bus ComParam out of the MVCIs working buffer of a ComLogicalLink

Gets a list of conflicting resources

Retrieves event data for a given event source

Gets the last runtime error from the MVCI module or ComLogicalLink Used for SAE J2534-2 support

Object module information

Gets the Item ID of a given item

Get a list of resource IDs

Obtains resource status information from the PDU API

Gets runtime information from either a MVCI module, ComLogicalLink or ComPrimitive

Obtains the current hardware clock of the MVCI module

Gets a list of unique response IDs from a ComLogicalLink

Gets version information from MVCI module

Performs generic IOCTL calls on a MVCI or ComLogicalLink

Locks a physical resource so that a ComLogicalLink has exclusive access to it

Determines if a MVCI module is available to connect

Tries to close all communication channels of a MVCI module

Registers a callback function

Sets a com param on a ComLogicalLink

Sets a unique response ID table for the ComLogicalLink

Creates and starts a ComPrimitive

Unlocks a physical resource from a ComLogicalLink that has exclusive access to it