Crate doe

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get argument and collect into Vec<String>
convert type
convert binary string to decimal
macro for BTreeMap
run command
sorted and deduped Vec
run a function after a particularized delay(millis) each run delay(millis)
has stable rust nightly return bool
has stable rust compiler return bool
macro for HashMap
get user input from terminal,return String
get Local now
expr return max value
expr return memory address
expr return min value
mutiply two matrix
returns a raised to the b power
read .csv file and Collect into Vec<Vec<String>>
remove file or folder
run a function repeatedly, beginning after some millis, then repeating continuously at the given interval.
run a function once after a particularized delay(millis)
return the array elements arranged from outermost elements to the middle element, traveling clockwise (n x n)
sorted new Vec
Spliy &str by spliter and collect into Vec<String>
get Utc now
get current UTC-timestamp
clone element by index
convert vec elements type
parse Vec element to type, parse Vec<&str> Collect to Vec<type>
find element position and collect into Vec
find the fist element and remove
find the element and remove all
take size of elements and return a new vec
convert vec item to String,return Vec<String>
enumerate all indexs and elements collect tuple of vec
Merge two Vec return merged Vec
slice vec by range
sort vec and return sorted vec
get vec type ,return string type value
zip two vec elements in tuple