Crate docker_pose

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  • get a string that should be identical to a command-line tool call made by std::process::Command.
  • Get the string from the output that was generated by a call to bin bin_cmd. If was not successful print the error and exit. If quiet is false also print any warning detected (stderr output).
  • Get a slug version of the text compatible with a tag name to be published in a docker registry, with only number, letters, the symbol “-” or the symbol “.”, and no more than 63 characters long, all in lowercase.
  • Parser of headers in the form of “Name: value”. Return a tuple of 2 strings: (“text1, “text2”).
  • Parser of strings in the form of “text1:text2”. Return a tuple of 2 strings: (“text1, “text2”).
  • Get the regex value expressed in &str, or exit if the filter passed doesn’t star with “regex=” or “regex!=” prefixes. When expression has “=” the bool is true, when is “!=” the bool is false. If the option passed is None, this method returns None as well.
  • Get the tag value (or None), or exit if the filter passed doesn’t star with “tag=” prefix.