

  • Concatenates provided byte slices and hashes result to a point on the curve. Returns as Affine coordinates.
  • Concatenates supplied slices into one continuous vector.
  • Implements Deref/DeferMut traits for the supplied wrapper and type.
  • impl DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator or impl IndexedParallelIterator depending on the parallel feature.
  • impl IntoIterator where IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator or impl IntoParallelIterator where Iter: IndexedParallelIterator depending on the parallel feature.
  • impl IntoIterator or impl IntoParallelIterator depending on the parallel feature.
  • impl Iterator or impl ParallelIterator depending on the parallel feature.
  • Flattened rayon::join(|| expr1, || rayon::join(|| expr2, || ...))
  • Calculates the product of pairing for supplied pairs.
  • Converts given vectors to OwnedPairs, panics in case of error.
  • Builds Pairs from the given slices, panics in case of error.
  • Attempts to build OwnedPairs from the given vectors, returning (left length, right length) in case of error.
  • Attempts to convert given slices to Pairs, returning (left length, right length) in case of error.
  • (a, (b, c)) => (a, b, c)