Attribute Macro doc_item::docbox[][src]


Adds a docbox to the item’s item-info.

A docbox is defined to be a box below the item’s definition within documentation, alerting the user to important information about the item. A common use case is to alert about an experimental item. This can be done as follows:

#[doc_item::docbox(content="This API is experimental", class="unstable")]
pub fn foo() {}

Custom Styles

The docbox can be styled using the class parameter. The class corresponds to a CSS class in the generated HTML. In the above example, "unstable" was used, as it is already a predefined class by rustdoc. Other predefined classes include "portability" and "deprecated". If different style is desired, a custom class can be provided using the --html-in-header rustdoc flag.

Provide a custom class like this:

#[doc_item::docbox(content="A custom docbox", class="custom")]
pub fn foo() {}

Define the custom class in a separate file, potentially named custom.html.

    .custom {
        background: #f5ffd6;
        border-color: #b9ff00;

And finally build the documentation with the custom docbox class.

$ RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header custom.html" cargo doc --no-deps --open

Multiple Docboxes

Multiple docbox attributes may be used on a single item. When generating the documentation, doc_item will insert the docboxes in the reverse order that they are provided in. For example:

#[doc_item::docbox(content="This box will display second", class="unstable")]
#[doc_item::docbox(content="This box will display first", class="portability")]
pub fn foo() {}

will result in the "portability" docbox being displayed above the "unstable" docbox.