Struct dist_tx::rm::CRmWrapper [] [src]

pub struct CRmWrapper<T>(pub T);

Wrapper around and instance of CResourceManager that implements ResourceManager.

For registering an instance of "YourCResourceManager" at a transaction manager, just use a Box<CRmWrapper(YourCResourceManager)>.

Trait Implementations

impl<T: CResourceManager> ResourceManager for CRmWrapper<T>


Tells the server to start work on behalf of the given transaction branch.


Tells the server to join working on behalf of the given transaction branch.


Tells the server to resume working on behalf of the given transaction branch.


Tells the server to end working on behalf of the given transaction branch.


Tells the server to stop working on behalf of the given transaction branch, transaction will not be committed. Read more


Tells the server to suspend working on behalf of the given transaction branch.


Tells the server to prepare to commit the work done in the given transaction branch.


Tells the server to commit the work done in the given prepared transaction branch.


Tells the server to commit the work done in the given not-prepared transaction branch.


Tells the server to rollback the work done in the given transaction branch.


Tells the server to forget about the given heuristically completed transaction.


Returns the list of transactions that have been prepared or heuristically completed. Read more


Returns the list of transactions that have been prepared or heuristically completed. Read more


Returns the list of transactions that have been prepared or heuristically completed. Read more