Expand description



Due to rust’s rule on constant names, there are some difference from tailwindcss.

2xl:xxl() and _2xl()
fraction e.g. -1/2_1__2

§Documents for Updating

modifier.rslinkcheck the #pseudo-class-reference part for complete list
responsive.rslink2xl is not a valid rust function name, define both xxl and _2xl for it
dark_mode.rslinkuse dark_ instead of dark
layout.rslink Layoutuse static_ instead of static
flex.rslink Flexbox & Grid
spacing.rslink Spacing

| sizing.rs | link Sizing | | | typography.rs | link Typography | | | backgrounds.rs | link Backgrounds | | | borders.rs | link Borders | | | effects.rs | link Effects | | | filters.rs | link Filters | | | tables.rs | link Tables | | | tansitions.rs | link Transitions & Animation | | | transforms.rs | link Transforms | | | interactivity.rs | link Interactivity | | | svg.rs | link SVG | | | accessibility.rs | link Accessibility | |

§Build All Used CSS Classes

Since tailwindcss need to get all used values, when using class!, the default build process is not working.

Check BUILD.md for how to handle this process.


