Type Definition digitalocean::request::VolumeRequest []

type VolumeRequest<M, V> = Request<M, V>;

A type alias with Request<_, Volume> specific functions.


impl VolumeRequest<Get, Volume>

impl VolumeRequest<List, Vec<Volume>>

impl VolumeRequest<Get, Volume>

impl VolumeRequest<Create, Volume>

An optional free-form text field to describe a Block Storage volume.

Digital Ocean Documentation.

The region where the Block Storage volume will be created. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Block Storage volume, the entire region object will be returned.

Note: Should not be specified with a snapshot_id.

Digital Ocean Documentation.

The unique identifier for the volume snapshot from which to create the volume.

Note: Should not be specified with a region_id.

Digital Ocean Documentation.