Type Definition digitalocean::request::DomainRecordRequest []

type DomainRecordRequest<M, V> = Request<M, V>;

A type alias with Request<_, DomainRecord> specific functions.


impl DomainRecordRequest<List, Vec<DomainRecord>>

impl DomainRecordRequest<Create, DomainRecord>

The priority for SRV and MX records.

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The port for SRV records.

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This value is the time to live for the record, in seconds. This defines the time frame that clients can cache queried information before a refresh should be requested.

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The weight for SRV records.

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impl DomainRecordRequest<Update, DomainRecord>

The record type (A, MX, CNAME, etc).

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The host name, alias, or service being defined by the record.

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Variable data depending on record type. See the Domain Records section for more detail on each record type.

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The priority for SRV and MX records.

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The port for SRV records.

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This value is the time to live for the record, in seconds. This defines the time frame that clients can cache queried information before a refresh should be requested.

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The weight for SRV records.

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