Module diffsol::op

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  • LinearOp is a trait for linear operators (i.e. they only depend linearly on the input x), see NonLinearOp for a non-linear op. An example of a linear operator is a matrix-vector product y = A(t) * x, where A(t) is a matrix. It extends the Op trait with methods for calling the operator via a GEMV-like operation (i.e. y = t * A * x + beta * y), and for computing the matrix representation of the operator.
  • Op is a trait for operators that, given a paramter vector p, operates on an input vector x to produce an output vector y. It defines the number of states (i.e. length of x), the number of outputs (i.e. length of y), and number of parameters (i.e. length of p) of the operator. It also defines the type of the scalar, vector, and matrices used in the operator.