Module diem_sdk::types::transaction::authenticator[][src]


A struct that represents an account authentication key. An account’s address is the last 16 bytes of authentication key used to create it

Cryptographic hasher for an BCS-serializable #item

A value that can be hashed to produce an authentication key


An error enum for issues related to transaction or account authentication.

An AccountAuthenticator is an an abstraction of a signature scheme. It must know: (1) How to check its signature against a message and public key (2) How to convert its public key into an AuthenticationKeyPreimage structured as (public_key | signaure_scheme_id). Each on-chain DiemAccount must store an AuthenticationKey (computed via a sha3 hash of an AuthenticationKeyPreimage).

Each transaction submitted to the Diem blockchain contains a TransactionAuthenticator. During transaction execution, the executor will check if every AccountAuthenticator’s signature on the transaction hash is well-formed and whether the sha3 hash of the AccountAuthenticator’s AuthenticationKeyPreimage matches the AuthenticationKey stored under the participating signer’s account address.


Maximum number of signatures supported in TransactionAuthenticator, across all AccountAuthenticators included.