Crate dicom_pixeldata

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This crate contains the DICOM pixel data handlers and is responsible for decoding various forms of native and compressed pixel data, such as JPEG lossless, and convert it into more usable data structures.

dicom-pixeldata currently supports a small, but increasing number of DICOM image encodings in pure Rust. As a way to mitigate the current gap, this library has an integration with GDCM bindings for an extended range of encodings. This integration is behind the Cargo feature “gdcm”, which requires CMake and a C++ compiler.

dicom-pixeldata = { version = "0.7", features = ["gdcm"] }

Once the pixel data is decoded, the decoded data can be converted to:

This conversion includes eventual Modality and value of interest (VOI) transformations.

§WebAssembly support

This library works in WebAssembly with the following two measures:

  • Ensure that the “gdcm” feature is disabled. This allows the crate to be compiled for WebAssembly albeit at the cost of supporting a lesser variety of compression algorithms.
  • And either set up wasm-bindgen-rayon or disable the rayon feature.


To convert a DICOM object into a dynamic image (requires the image feature):

use dicom_object::open_file;
use dicom_pixeldata::PixelDecoder;
let obj = open_file("dicom.dcm")?;
let image = obj.decode_pixel_data()?;
let dynamic_image = image.to_dynamic_image(0)?;"out.png")?;

To convert a DICOM object into an ndarray (requires the ndarray feature):

use dicom_object::open_file;
use dicom_pixeldata::PixelDecoder;
use ndarray::s;
let obj = open_file("rgb_dicom.dcm")?;
let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data()?;
let ndarray = pixel_data.to_ndarray::<u16>()?;
let red_values = ndarray.slice(s![.., .., .., 0]);

In order to parameterize the conversion, pass a conversion options value to the _with_options variant methods.

use dicom_object::open_file;
use dicom_pixeldata::{ConvertOptions, PixelDecoder, VoiLutOption};
let obj = open_file("dicom.dcm")?;
let image = obj.decode_pixel_data()?;
let options = ConvertOptions::new()
let dynamic_image = image.to_dynamic_image_with_options(0, &options)?;

See ConvertOptions for the options available, including the default behavior for each method.




  • Option set for converting decoded pixel data into other common data structures, such as a vector, an image, or a multidimensional array.
  • The LUT could not be created: entry #{index} was mapped to {y_value}, which could not be cast to the target type.
  • A blob of decoded pixel data.
  • Error type for most pixel data related operations.
  • A look up table (LUT) for pixel data sample value transformations.
  • Description of a modality rescale function, defined by a rescale slope and rescale intercept.
  • An error occurred during the object transcoding process.
  • The parameters of a single window level for a VOI LUT transformation, comprising the window center and the window width.
  • A full description of a VOI LUT function transformation based on a window level.



  • Trait for objects which can be decoded into blobs of easily consumable pixel data.
  • Interface for transcoding a DICOM object’s pixel data to comply with a different transfer syntax. Can be implemented by in-memory DICOM object representations as well as partial or lazy DICOM object readers, so that transcoding can be performed without loading the entire object.

Type Aliases§