di 0.1.2

Dependency injection container.
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Dependency Injection container for Rust

Build Status

This library implements dependency injection container for Rust mimicking the way it is done in other languages and frameworks.

It differs from other popular implementations by providing a simple way to group factories together using one_of method.


let mut registry = di::Registry::new();

    .one_of("values", || -> i32 { 1 })

    .one_of("values", |a: i32| -> i32 { a + 2 })

match registry.compile() {
    Ok(container) => {
        if let Some(a) = container.get::<Vec<i32>>("values") {
            assert_eq!(vec![ 1, 1 + 2 ], a.take());
    Err(errors) => di::error_printer::pretty_print(&errors),

Of course, ungrouped dependencies are also available.



Put this in your Cargo.toml:

di = "*"

And this in your crate root:

extern crate di;
