Crate dev_utils

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A collection of utility functions for common development tasks, including logging, terminal manipulation, file handling, and more.

dev_utils = "0.*"  # Add the latest version of this crate
log = "0.*"  # This crate also depends on the log crate, so add it too


use dev_utils::log::print_app_data;
use dev_utils::log::rlog::RLog;  // Logger (RLog) from this crate
use log::LevelFilter;  // Log crate
fn main() {
    print_app_data(file!());  // Print application data (name, version, authors, etc.)
    RLog::init_logger(LevelFilter::Trace);  // Initialize the logger with the given log level
    log::info!("Some data!");  // [2021-01-01 00:00:00] INFO: Hello World!
    // Your code here...




  • Clears the terminal screen and extracts relevant information from the ‘Cargo.toml’ file, then prints this information in a structured format.