Crate detailer

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A dynamic, simple workflow trace logger.

Detailer is a log recording tool, depending only on std and log. It prioritizes ease of use and low overhead, particularly when disabled.


use detailer::{detail, new_detailer};

let mut detailer = new_detailer!(); // Info level, WithTimings
detail!(detailer, "some {} message", "log");
use detailer::{detail_at, new_detailer};

let mut detailer = new_detailer!(Off); // Disabled
detail_at!(detailer, Error, "this is {} logged", "NOT");

§Example Output

For a query command web service api with some detail!() statements, you might have a trace log that looks like this:

2024-04-24T20:31:28.767641975+00:00 INFO detailer::detailer - 0      detail start
14     running query command for ip
16     authenticating
18       authorization header parsed
18       identity matches request
23     throttling
23     authorizing
23       no matching resource policy
23       permitted by action policy
24     executing user count query
837    request complete: Ok("42")
843    dropped

The schema of messages is {µs since trace start} {message}

In this example there are some observations you can make:

  • Framework code takes 14µs to get into the request handler
  • Authentication is working well - only about 2µs for this request.
  • Throttling and authorization are doing very well.
  • The authorization header passed in had no resource policy, but it had an action policy.
  • The backend took around 813µs to complete the query. It was successful.
  • The framework is more trim on the tail end of the request, only taking 6µs to complete and drop.

You might want to detail!() the backend client a little more in this example. It’s masking the bulk of your wall clock query request time. If 813µs is good for your backend, however, maybe this is just a good trace result.


  • Add a detail line at info
  • Add a detail line at a specified level
  • Create a new root detailer. It will log as 1 expression upon being dropped or flushed.
  • Add a lexical scope indentation to the detail


  • When a DetailScopeGuard is dropped, the level of indentation on following `detail!()`` messages for the detailer this scope was created for is immediately decremented.
  • An event or workflow detail logger.
