Crate derive_sql

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The crate derive_sql is articulated around:

  • traits that allow SQL database drivers (rusqlite and mysql) to provide defined set of functionalities;
  • traits that scaffold on these common functionalities to wrap common SQL statement functions into typed interfaces.

The trait Connection provides a uniform interface for interaction with SQL database drivers via query calls where all elements of the query are encompassed in the statement; and execute calls where the statement refers to parameters to be provided.

use derive_sql::traits;

// Function to create table, populate table with an entry, and retrieve the first entry field name
fn run<S, R>(s: &mut S) -> String 
where S: traits::Connection<R>,
      R: traits::Row,
  s.query_drop("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example_table").unwrap();

  s.query_drop("CREATE TABLE example_table (
    id INTEGER,
    name TEXT
  s.execute_with_params("INSERT INTO example_table (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)",
    &(1i64, "Jane Doe".to_string())
  let r: String = s.query_first("SELECT name FROM example_table").unwrap()
  .map(|r| r.get(0).unwrap().unwrap())

// Called using a SQLite connection via rusqlite
let mut conn = rusqlite::Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
assert!(run(&mut conn).eq("Jane Doe"));

// Call using a MySQL connection
let mut mysql_conn = mysql::Conn::new(
assert!(run(&mut mysql_conn).eq("Jane Doe"));

The following is showing the same test using a set of traits provided to standardize the interaction with SQL databases:

use derive_sql::traits::{self, Table, TableStatement, SelectV2, SelectStatement, Insert, InsertStatement,
  Delete, DeleteStatement, 
  Update, UpdateStatement, 
  Param, Params, Row, TryFromRefRow,
use derive_sql::structs::{filter, Field};
use derive_sql::Result;

// Define a `struct` representing the data to be stored
/* #[derive(Clone)] */
struct People {
  id: i64,
  name: String,

// Implement traits to convert `People` to and from
impl Params for People {
  fn as_vec_params(&self) -> Result<Vec<Param>> {
impl<R> TryFromRefRow<R> for People 
where R: Row,
  fn try_from(r: &R) -> Result<Self> {
    Ok(People {
      id: r.get(0).ok_or(derive_sql::Error::RowItemNotFound(0))??,
      name: r.get(1).ok_or(derive_sql::Error::RowItemNotFound(1))??,

struct SqlPeople {}

// Implement traits to manipulate the data using struct `SqlPeople`
impl TableStatement for SqlPeople {
  fn create_stmt(&self)              -> Result<String> { Ok(format!("CREATE TABLE example2_table ( id INTEGER, name TEXT )")) }
  fn create_if_not_exist_stmt(&self) -> Result<String> { Ok(format!("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS example2_table ( id INTEGER, name TEXT )")) }
  fn drop_stmt(&self)                -> Result<String> { Ok(format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example2_table")) }
impl SelectStatement for SqlPeople {
  fn select_stmt(&self) -> Result<String> { Ok(format!("SELECT id,name FROM example2_table")) }
impl InsertStatement for SqlPeople {
  fn insert_stmt(&self) -> Result<String> { Ok(format!("INSERT INTO example2_table (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)")) }
impl UpdateStatement for SqlPeople {
  fn update_stmt(&self) -> Result<String> { Ok(format!("UPDATE example2_table SET `id` = ?, `name` = ?")) }
impl DeleteStatement for SqlPeople {
  fn delete_stmt(&self) -> Result<String> { Ok(format!("DELETE FROM example2_table")) }

fn run<S, R>(s: &mut S) -> String
where S: traits::Connection<R>,
      R: traits::Row,
  SqlPeople::default().insert(s, &People { id: 1, name: "Jane Doe".to_string() }).unwrap();
  SqlPeople::default().insert(s, &People { id: 2, name: "Jane Foe".to_string() }).unwrap();
  SqlPeople::default().insert(s, &People { id: 3, name: "Jane Goe".to_string() }).unwrap();
  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select(s).unwrap();
  assert!(r.len() == 3);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s, 
    &filter::Or::from((Field::from("id").eq(1), Field::from("id").eq(3)))
  assert!(r.len() == 2);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s, 
    &filter::And::from((Field::from("id").eq(1), Field::from("name").ne("Jane Doe")))
  assert!(r.len() == 0);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter_order_limit_offset(s,
    1, // Limit
    0, // Offset
  assert!(r[0].id == 3);

    &People { id: 3, name: "Francis".to_string() },
  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s,

  SqlPeople::default().delete_with_filter(s, &Field::from("name").eq("Francis")).unwrap();
  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select(s).unwrap();
  assert!(r.len() == 2);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s, &Field::from("id").eq(1)).unwrap();
  assert!(r.len() == 1);


// Called using a SQLite connection via rusqlite
let mut conn = rusqlite::Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
assert!(run(&mut conn).eq("Jane Doe"));

// Call using a MySQL connection
let mut mysql_conn = mysql::Conn::new(
assert!(run(&mut mysql_conn).eq("Jane Doe"));

This replicates the same test using the derive macro DeriveSqlStatement:

use derive_sql::{DeriveSqlStatement};
use derive_sql::traits::{Table, Insert, Delete, Update, SelectV2};
use derive_sql::{traits, structs::filter, structs::Field, Result};

// Define a `struct` representing the data to be stored
struct People {
  id: i64,
  name: String,

fn run<S, R>(s: &mut S) -> String
where S: traits::Connection<R>,
      R: traits::Row,
  SqlPeople::default().insert(s, &People { id: 1, name: "Jane Doe".to_string() }).unwrap();
  SqlPeople::default().insert(s, &People { id: 2, name: "Jane Foe".to_string() }).unwrap();
  SqlPeople::default().insert(s, &People { id: 3, name: "Jane Goe".to_string() }).unwrap();
  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select(s).unwrap();
  assert!(r.len() == 3);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s, 
    &filter::Or::from((Field::from("id").eq(1), Field::from("id").eq(3)))
  assert!(r.len() == 2);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s, 
    &filter::And::from((Field::from("id").eq(1), Field::from("name").ne("Jane Doe")))
  assert!(r.len() == 0);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter_order_limit_offset(s,
    1, // Limit
    0, // Offset
  assert!(r[0].id == 3);

    &People { id: 3, name: "Francis".to_string() },
  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s,

  SqlPeople::default().delete_with_filter(s, &Field::from("name").eq("Francis")).unwrap();
  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select(s).unwrap();
  assert!(r.len() == 2);

  let r: Vec<People> = SqlPeople::default().select_with_filter(s, &Field::from("id").eq(1)).unwrap();
  assert!(r.len() == 1);


// Called using a SQLite connection via rusqlite
let mut conn = rusqlite::Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
assert!(run(&mut conn).eq("Jane Doe"));

// Call using a MySQL connection
let mut mysql_conn = mysql::Conn::new(
assert!(run(&mut mysql_conn).eq("Jane Doe"));

§Legacy v0.10 feature:

Available by activating feature compability_v0_10

The trait Sqlable that defines a set of operation for interacting with SQL tables:

  • count to provide a count of the number of items in the table.
  • select to return an array of the items in the table.
  • insert to insert a new item in the table.
  • update to update an existing item(s) with the values of the provided item.
  • delete to delete items in the table.
  • delete_table to drop the table.

Implementation of the trait should allow the user of the trait to interact with the table via the above interface…

The trait Selectable provides a possible interface for selector queries used in the Sqlable trait. It is a possible option - but not limited to it as the Sqlable trait uses an associated type for Selector.

This crate includes:

  • the derive macro DeriveSqlite [when compiled with the feature --features sqlite] which provides an implementation of the Sqlable trait for SQLite as a wrapper around the rusqlite crate;
  • the derive macro DeriveMysql [when compiled with the feature --features mysql] which provides an implementation of the Sqlable trait for MySQL as a wrapper around the mysql crate;

Please see examples here and the DeriveSqlite documentation.


  • sqlite provides a derive macro that implements the Sqlable trait for SQLite database (implemented as a wrapper around the rusqlite crate);
  • mysql provides a derive macro that implements the Sqlable trait for MySQL database (implemented as a wrapper around the mysql crate);


The example of code below shows how the trait can be mocked using mockall for unit testing purposes. The example uses mockall external trait functionality - ie works in a code using this crate as a dependency. Note: one has to explicitely nominates the associated type in the method definitions.

mockall::mock! {
  SqlableStruct {}
  impl derive_sql::Sqlable for SqlableStruct {
    type Item = String;
    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error>;
    type Selector = ();
    fn count(&self, s: ()) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    fn select(&self, s: ()) -> Result<Vec<String>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    fn insert(&mut self, item: String) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    fn update(&mut self, s: (), item: String) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    fn delete(&mut self, s: ()) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    fn delete_table(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

fn my_function<S>(s: &mut S) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> 
where S: derive_sql::Sqlable<Selector = (), Item = String, Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error>>,
  let _ = s.insert("an item".to_string())?;

// Create mock
let mut mock = MockSqlableStruct::new();
// Configure mock
.with(mockall::predicate::eq("an item".to_string()))
.returning(|s| Ok(s));
mock.expect_count().returning(|_| Ok(11));

// Check result
assert!(matches!(my_function(&mut mock), Ok(11)));



  • Implementation of generic approach to WHERE clauses filtering. Provides a generic operator for single clause and And and Or clauses combinator;
  • Proxy to manipulate SQL queries
  • traits underlying the implementation of SQL functionalities. What some other crates call prelude


  • Convenient struct for implementing a simple filter, ie a struct that generates the content of a simple WHERE a = value clause
  • Convenient struct for implementing a limit, ie a struct that generates the content of a LIMIT value clause
  • Convenient struct for implementing an offset, ie a struct that generates the content of an OFFSET value clause
  • Convenient struct for implementing an order by, ie a struct that generates the content of an ORDER BY value ASC|DESC clause


  • Convenient struct for implementing an order by, ie a struct that generates the content of an ORDER BY value ASC|DESC clause Nominate whether the order is ascending (ie A to Z) or descending (ie Z to A)


  • Definition of trait Selectable. This trait outputs filter, limit and offset statement.
  • Definition of Sqlable trait to be implemented to allow interaction with SQL tables.

Type Aliases§

Derive Macros§

  • Derive macro to implement the Sqlable trait for a struct with named fields so that instances of the struct can be saved, queried, stored to/from a MySQL database. Uses mysql. Requires --features mysql.
  • Derive macro to implement the Sqlable trait for a struct with named fields so that instances of the struct can be saved, queried, stored to/from an SQLite database. Uses rusqlite. Requires --features sqlite.