Expand description
§Simple parser for derive attributes
- “Copy from Giants”. The code mostly copied from https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/tree/master/serde_derive.
- “Copy from Copier of Giants”. The recommendation is to copy the code into your project for better control.https://github.com/nealmi/derive-attr-parse
§Typical usage in proc macro
let input = parse_macro_input!(inputTokenStream as DeriveInput);
let ctx = derive_attr_parser::Ctxt::new();
const DEMO: derive_attr_parser::Symbol = derive_attr_parser::Symbol("demo");
let container = derive_attr_parser::from_ast(&ctx, input, DEMO);
§Full Demo Derive Code
extern crate proc_macro;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput};
use derive_attr_parser::{Ctxt, from_ast, Symbol};
#[proc_macro_derive(DemoDerive, attributes(demo))]
pub fn simuples(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let mut input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
demo_expand(&mut input)
const DEMO: Symbol = Symbol("demo");
fn demo_expand(input: &mut syn::DeriveInput) -> syn::Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
let ctx = Ctxt::new();
let cont = from_ast(&ctx, input, DEMO);
//Do something with the info.
//eg. Generate System Dynamics Code.
Look into Container
, Field
, Val
§Usage of Demo Derive
name = "test",
method = "system_dynamics",
ode_solver = "eula",
input_name = "BassInput",
output_name = "BassOutput"
#[demo(input(name = "BassInput", ty = "struct"))]
#[demo(output(name = "BassOutput", ty = "struct"))]
pub struct Bass {
#[demo(param(val = "10_000_f64"), input(from = "total_population"))]
total_population: f64,
#[demo(param(val = "0.015_f64"))]
ad_effectiveness: f64,
#[demo(param(val = "100_f64"))]
contact_rate: f64,
#[demo(param(val = "0.011_f64"))]
sales_fraction: f64,
#[demo(var(val = "potential_clients * ad_effectiveness"))]
sales_from_ad: f64,
val = "clients * contact_rate * sales_fraction * potential_clients / total_population"
sales_from_wom: f64,
#[demo(stock(val = "total_population"), output(to = "potential_clients"))]
potential_clients: f64,
#[demo(stock, output(to = "clients"))]
clients: f64,
from = "potential_clients",
to = "clients",
val = "sales_from_ad + sales_from_wom"
output(to = "sales")
sales: f64,
- Container
- The root Container for all
- Ctxt
- A type to collect errors together and format them.
- Field
- A field of a struct.
- Symbol
- The root of helper attr, eg #[root(…)]
- Variant
- A variant of an enum.