Crate deno_kv

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  • A request to perform an atomic check-modify-write operation on the database.
  • The result of a successful commit of an atomic write operation.
  • A request to enqueue a message to the database. This message is delivered to a listener of the queue at least once.
  • A key is for a KV pair. It is a vector of KeyParts.
  • A request to perform a check on a key in the database. The check is not performed on the value of the key, but rather on the versionstamp of the key.
  • A key-value entry with a versionstamp.
  • A request to perform a mutation on a key in the database. The mutation is performed on the value of the key.
  • A request to read a range of keys from the database. If end is None, then the range is from start shall also be used as the end of the range.
  • A response to a ReadRange request.
  • Options for a snapshot read.
  • An extension for use with the Deno JS runtime. To use it, provide it as an argument when instantiating your runtime:


  • The consistency of a read.
  • A key part is single item in a key. It can be a boolean, a double float, a variable precision signed integer, a UTF-8 string, or an arbitrary byte array.
  • The type of mutation to perform on a key in the database.
  • A serialized value for a KV pair as stored in the database. All values can be serialized into the V8 representation, but not all values are.

