
Information that comes from an external source which can be optionally included in the module graph.

The response that is expected from a loader’s .load() method.

An implementation of the loader attribute where the responses are provided ahead of time. This is useful for testing or


The response from a Resolver::resolve() function which combines the type of the module with the resolved specifier, or an error.



A trait which allows asynchronous loading of source files into a module graph in a thread safe way as well as a way to provide additional meta data about any cached resources.

A trait which allows the module graph to check if a source is “valid” as well as a way to get the checksum of a source for displaying when printing a module graph.

A trait which can be used to allow the module graph to report status events to the user.

A trait which allows the module graph to resolve specifiers and type only dependencies. This can be use to provide import maps and override other default resolution logic used by deno_graph.


Type Definitions