Macro deno_core::extension

source ·
macro_rules! extension {
    $(, deps = [ $( $dep:ident ),* ] )?
    $(, parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )?
    $(, ops_fn = $ops_symbol:ident $( < $ops_param:ident > )? )?
    $(, ops = [ $( $(#[$m:meta])* $( $op:ident )::+ $( < $op_param:ident > )?  ),+ $(,)? ] )?
    $(, esm_entry_point = $esm_entry_point:literal )?
    $(, esm = [ $( dir $dir_esm:literal , )? $( $esm:literal ),* $(,)? ] )?
    $(, esm_setup_script = $esm_setup_script:expr )?
    $(, js = [ $( dir $dir_js:literal , )? $( $js:literal ),* $(,)? ] )?
    $(, options = { $( $options_id:ident : $options_type:ty ),* $(,)? } )?
    $(, middleware = $middleware_fn:expr )?
    $(, state = $state_fn:expr )?
    $(, event_loop_middleware = $event_loop_middleware_fn:ident )?
    $(, customizer = $customizer_fn:expr )?
  ) => { ... };
    (! __config__ $ext:ident $( parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )? config = { $( $options_id:ident : $options_type:ty ),* } $( state_fn = $state_fn:expr )? ) => { ... };
    (! __config__ $ext:ident $( parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )? $( state_fn = $state_fn:expr )? ) => { ... };
    (! __ops__ $ext:ident __eot__) => { ... };
    (! __ops__ $ext:ident $ops_symbol:ident __eot__) => { ... };
    (! __ops__ $ext:ident $ops_symbol:ident < $ops_param:ident > __eot__) => { ... };
Expand description

Defines a Deno extension. The first parameter is the name of the extension symbol namespace to create. This is the symbol you will use to refer to the extension.

Most extensions will define a combination of ops and ESM files, like so:

fn op_xyz() {

  ops = [ op_xyz ],
  esm = [ "my_script.js" ],

The following options are available for the extension macro:

  • deps: a comma-separated list of module dependencies, eg: deps = [ my_other_extension ]
  • parameters: a comma-separated list of parameters and base traits, eg: parameters = [ P: MyTrait ]
  • ops: a comma-separated list of OpDecls to provide, eg: ops = [ op_foo, op_bar ]
  • esm: a comma-separated list of ESM module filenames (see include_js_files), eg: esm = [ dir "dir", "my_file.js" ]
  • esm_setup_script: see [ExtensionBuilder::esm_setup_script]
  • js: a comma-separated list of JS filenames (see include_js_files), eg: js = [ dir "dir", "my_file.js" ]
  • config: a structure-like definition for configuration parameters which will be required when initializing this extension, eg: config = { my_param: Option<usize> }
  • middleware: an OpDecl middleware function with the signature fn (OpDecl) -> OpDecl
  • state: a state initialization function, with the signature fn (&mut OpState, ...) -> (), where ... are parameters matching the fields of the config struct
  • event_loop_middleware: an event-loop middleware function (see ExtensionBuilder::event_loop_middleware)