Crate deno_ast

source ·



  • Parsing diagnostic.
  • Options which can be adjusted when transpiling a module.
  • An implementation of swc’s Comments that implements Sync to support being used in multi-threaded code. This implementation is immutable and should you need mutability you may create a copy by converting it to an swc SingleThreadedComments.
  • Parameters for parsing.
  • A parsed source containing an AST, comments, and possibly tokens.
  • Implements a configuration trait for source maps that reflects the logic to embed sources in the source map or not.
  • Swc unfortunately uses BytePos(0) as a magic value. This means that we can’t have byte positions of nodes line up with the text. To get around this, we have created our own SourcePos wrapper that hides the underlying swc byte position so it can’t be used incorrectly.
  • Stores the source text along with other data such as where all the lines occur in the text.
  • A special source pos that indicates the source start which functions can use as a parameter type in order to ensure someone doesn’t provide the wrong position.
  • Source transpiled based on the emit options.



  • Ecmascript version used for lexing and parsing.



  • Applies the text changes to the given source text.
  • Low level function for transpiling a program.
  • Gets the default Syntax used by deno_ast for the provided media type.
  • Given the source text and media type, tokenizes the provided text to a collection of tokens and comments.
  • Parses the provided information to a module.
  • Parses a module with post processing (see docs on parse_program_with_post_process).
  • Parses the provided information attempting to figure out if the provided text is for a script or a module.
  • Parses the provided information as a program with the option of providing some post-processing to the result.
  • Parses the provided information to a script.
  • Parses a script with post processing (see docs on parse_program_with_post_process).

Type Aliases