Module delay_timer::prelude

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A “prelude” for users of the delay-timer crate.

This prelude is similar to the standard library’s prelude in that you’ll almost always want to import its entire contents, but unlike the standard library’s prelude you’ll have to do so manually:

use delay_timer::prelude::*;

The prelude may grow over time as additional items see ubiquitous use.




  • Construct an ad-hoc error from a string or existing non-anyhow error value.


  • The time zone with fixed offset, from UTC-23:59:59 to UTC+23:59:59.
  • instance of task running.
  • The local timescale. This is implemented via the standard time crate.
  • A spawned task.
  • Public instance of task running.
  • Chain of task run instances. For User access to Running-Task’s instance.
  • An owned permission to join on a task (await its termination).
  • The UTC time zone. This is the most efficient time zone when you don’t need the local time. It is also used as an offset (which is also a dummy type).


  • You can implement this trait for your type T, and then you can define the function that returns the Box<T> as Box<dyn DelayTaskHandler> closure, which can be wrapped by the TaskBuilder and then thrown into the time wheel for constant rotation.
  • The time zone.


Type Aliases

Derive Macros