[][src]Crate debug_print

This crate provide prints macros that are not compiled in releases builds.

Basic Examples

use debug_print::{debug_print, debug_println, debug_eprint, debug_eprintln};

let x = 5 * 2;

debug_println!("x = {}", x);
debug_print!(" = ");
debug_print!("{}", x);
debug_eprintln!("I'm printing to the Standard Error");
debug_eprint!("I'm printing to the Standard Error");

If you don't like the names of the macros.

use debug_print::{
    debug_print as dprint,
    debug_println as dprintln,
    debug_eprint as deprint,
    debug_eprintln as deprintln,

let x = 5 * 2;

dprintln!("x = {}", x);
dprint!(" = ");
dprint!("{}", x);
deprintln!("I'm printing to the Standard Error");
deprint!("I'm printing to the Standard Error");



Prints to the standard error only in debug build.
In release build this macro is not compiled thanks to #[cfg(debug_assertions)].
see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.eprint.html for more info.


Prints to the standard error only in debug build.
In release build this macro is not compiled thanks to #[cfg(debug_assertions)].
see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.eprintln.html for more info.


Prints to the standard ouput only in debug build.
In release build this macro is not compiled thanks to #[cfg(debug_assertions)].
see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.print.html for more info.


Prints to the standard ouput only in debug build.
In release build this macro is not compiled thanks to #[cfg(debug_assertions)].
see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.println.html for more info.