Crate dce_macro

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§Dce macros

§api(): proc_macro_attribute

An attribute-like macro, you can use it to define api, it will auto bind the controller func.


  • path &str:
    The route path, it will be the controller func name if omitted, the style like “part1/part2”, and support path params like the table below:
required param, it could be every place in path
vegetableoptional param, it must be end of the path
vegetableoptional vec param, it must be end of the path
required vec param, it must be end of the path
fruit/apple.jsonsupport non suffix or the “.html” suffix but not others
fruit/applesupport the “.html” or “.json” suffixes but not non or others
  • serializer Vec/struct:
    Response body data serializer, use to serialize the DTO into sequences, like JsonSerializer{}. It will be UnreachableSerializer{} if not defined.

  • deserializer Vec/struct:
    Request body data deserializer, use to deserialize the sequences into DTO, like JsonSerializer{}. It will be UnreachableSerializer{} if not defined.

  • id &str:
    Api ID, sometimes you want to use the shorter sign to mark an api, then you can define an id for it. Default value "".

  • omission bool:
    Define it is an omission part, for example api("home/index", omission = true) means you must use the path “home” to access it, because the “index” part is omission. Default value false.

  • redirect &str:
    Define the api should redirect to another one. Default value "".

  • name &str:
    Name the api. It will be the last part of path if not defined.

  • unresponsive bool:
    Define the api should not response, sometimes we want request a tcp or another long connection type service but not need response. Default value false.

The params order is up to down, and you can use assignment expression style define it to break the fixed order.

§closed_err!(): proc_macro

A function-like macro to new a DceErr enum. Closed err means only print to console but not to response to client the specific error code and message.


  • code isize:
    The error code, will be 0 if not specified.

  • template &str:
    The error message or a template.

  • args str-like[]:
    Template args.

§open_err!(): proc_macro

A function-like macro to new a DceErr enum. Openly err means the specific error code and message will respond to client. Params same to closed_err!().


Attribute Macros§