Module dbn::enums::rtype

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Record types, possible values for RecordHeader::rtype




  • Denotes a best bid and offer record subsampled on a one-minute interval.
  • Denotes a best bid and offer record subsampled on a one-second interval.
  • Denotes a consolidated best bid and offer record.
  • Denotes a consolidated best bid and offer record subsampled on a one-minute interval.
  • Denotes a consolidated best bid and offer record subsampled on a one-second interval.
  • Denotes an error from gateway.
  • Denotes an order imbalance record.
  • Denotes an instrument definition record.
  • Denotes a market-by-order record.
  • Denotes a market-by-price record with a book depth of 0 (used for the Trades schema).
  • Denotes a market-by-price record with a book depth of 1 (also used for the Tbbo schema).
  • Denotes a market-by-price record with a book depth of 10.
  • Denotes an open, high, low, close, and volume record at a daily cadence based on the UTC date.
  • Denotes an open, high, low, close, and volume record at an hourly cadence.
  • Denotes an open, high, low, close, and volume record at a 1-minute cadence.
  • Denotes an open, high, low, close, and volume record at a 1-second cadence.
  • Denotes an open, high, low, close, and volume record at an unspecified cadence.
  • Denotes an open, high, low, close, and volume record at a daily cadence based on the end of the trading session.
  • Denotes a statistics record from the publisher (not calculated by Databento).
  • Denotes an exchange status record.
  • Denotes a symbol mapping record.
  • Denotes a non-error message from the gateway. Also used for heartbeats.
  • Denotes a consolidated best bid and offer trade record containing the consolidated BBO before the trade.
