Module datafusion::execution

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Shared state for query planning and execution.


  • pub use crate::datasource::file_format::options;


  • SessionContext API for registering data sources and executing queries
  • Manages files generated during query execution, files are hashed among the directories listed in RuntimeConfig::local_dirs.
  • MemoryPool for memory management during query execution, [proxy] for help with allocation accounting.
  • ObjectStoreRegistry holds all the object stores at Runtime with a scheme for each store. This allows the user to extend DataFusion with different storage systems such as S3 or HDFS and query data inside these systems.
  • FunctionRegistry trait
  • Execution RuntimeEnv environment that manages access to object store, memory manager, disk manager.


  • Manages files generated during query execution, e.g. spill files generated while processing dataset larger than available memory.
  • Task Execution Context


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