Module datafusion::functions::core::expr_fn

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  • returns arg_1 cast to the arrow_type given the second argument. This can be used to cast to a specific arrow_type. Return $name(arg)
  • Returns the Arrow type of the input expression. Return $name(arg)
  • Returns the value of the field with the given name from the struct Return $name(arg)
  • returns NULL if value1 equals value2; otherwise it returns value1. This can be used to perform the inverse operation of the COALESCE expression. Return $name(arg)
  • returns value2 if value1 is NULL; otherwise it returns value1 Return $name(arg)
  • Returns value2 if value1 is not NULL; otherwise, it returns value3. Return $name(arg)
  • Returns a struct with the given arguments Return $name(arg)