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Functions for creating logical expressions


  • absolute value
  • inverse cosine
  • inverse hyperbolic cosine
  • Return a new expression with a logical AND
  • Returns the approximate number of distinct input values. This function provides an approximation of count(DISTINCT x). Zero is returned if all input values are null. This function should produce a standard error of 0.81%, which is the standard deviation of the (approximately normal) error distribution over all possible sets. It does not guarantee an upper bound on the error for any specific input set.
  • Calculate an approximation of the median for expr.
  • Calculate an approximation of the specified percentile for expr.
  • Calculate an approximation of the specified percentile for expr and weight_expr.
  • returns an Arrow array using the specified input expressions.
  • appends an element to the end of an array.
  • concatenates arrays.
  • returns true, if each element of the second array appearing in the first array, otherwise false.
  • returns an array of the array’s dimensions.
  • returns an array filled with copies of the given value.
  • returns the length of the array dimension.
  • returns the number of dimensions of the array.
  • searches for an element in the array, returns first occurrence.
  • searches for an element in the array, returns all occurrences.
  • prepends an element to the beginning of an array.
  • removes all elements equal to the given value from the array.
  • replaces a specified element with another specified element.
  • converts each element to its text representation.
  • data type
  • ASCII code value of the character
  • inverse sine
  • inverse hyperbolic sine
  • inverse tangent
  • inverse tangent of a division given in the argument
  • inverse hyperbolic tangent
  • Create an expression to represent the avg() aggregate function
  • Return a new expression left <op> right
  • the number of bits in the string
  • Return a new expression with bitwise AND
  • Return a new expression with bitwise OR
  • Return a new expression with bitwise SHIFT LEFT
  • Return a new expression with bitwise SHIFT RIGHT
  • Return a new expression with bitwise XOR
  • removes all characters, spaces by default, from both sides of a string
  • Calls a named built in function
  • returns the total number of elements in the array.
  • Create a CASE WHEN statement with literal WHEN expressions for comparison to the base expression.
  • Create a cast expression
  • cube root of a number
  • nearest integer greater than or equal to argument
  • the number of characters in the string
  • converts the Unicode code point to a UTF8 character
  • returns coalesce(args...), which evaluates to the value of the first Expr which is not NULL
  • Create a column expression based on a qualified or unqualified column name. Will normalize unquoted identifiers according to SQL rules (identifiers will become lowercase).
  • Concatenates the text representations of all the arguments. NULL arguments are ignored.
  • concatenates several strings
  • Concatenates all but the first argument, with separators. The first argument is used as the separator. NULL arguments in values are ignored.
  • concatenates several strings, placing a seperator between each one
  • cosine
  • hyperbolic cosine
  • cotangent
  • Create an expression to represent the count() aggregate function
  • Create an expression to represent the count(distinct) aggregate function
  • Creates a new UDAF with a specific signature, state type and return type. The signature and state type must match the Accumulator's implementation.
  • Creates a new UDF with a specific signature and specific return type. This is a helper function to create a new UDF. The function create_udf returns a subset of all possible ScalarFunction:
  • Creates a new UDWF with a specific signature, state type and return type.
  • Create a grouping set for all combination of exprs
  • returns current UTC date as a DataType::Date32 value
  • returns current UTC time as a DataType::Time64 value
  • coerces an arbitrary timestamp to the start of the nearest specified interval
  • extracts a subfield from the date
  • truncates the date to a specified level of precision
  • decode theinput, using the encoding. encoding can be base64 or hex
  • converts radians to degrees
  • compute the binary hash of input, using the algorithm
  • encode the input, using the encoding. encoding can be base64 or hex
  • Create an EXISTS subquery expression
  • exponential
  • factorial
  • nearest integer less than or equal to argument
  • returns the unix time in format
  • greatest common divisor
  • Create a grouping set
  • Create an unqualified column expression from the provided name, without normalizing the column.
  • Create an in_list expression
  • Create an IN subquery expression
  • converts the first letter of each word in string in uppercase and the remaining characters in lowercase
  • Create is false expression
  • Create is not false expression
  • Create is not true expression
  • Create is not unknown expression
  • Create is null expression
  • Create is true expression
  • Create is unknown expression
  • least common multiple
  • returns the first n characters in the string
  • natural logarithm
  • logarithm of a x for a particular base
  • base 2 logarithm
  • base 10 logarithm
  • convert the string to lower case
  • fill up a string to the length by prepending the characters
  • removes all characters, spaces by default, from the beginning of a string
  • Create an expression to represent the max() aggregate function
  • returns the MD5 hash of a string
  • Calculate the median for expr.
  • Create an expression to represent the min() aggregate function
  • Create a NOT EXISTS subquery expression
  • Create a NOT IN subquery expression
  • returns current timestamp in nanoseconds, using the same value for all instances of now() in same statement
  • returns NULL if value1 equals value2; otherwise it returns value1. This can be used to perform the inverse operation of the COALESCE expression.
  • returns the number of bytes of a string
  • Return a new expression with a logical OR
  • Create an out reference column which hold a reference that has been resolved to a field outside of the current plan.
  • Returns an approximate value of π
  • base raised to the power of exponent
  • converts degrees to radians
  • Returns a random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0
  • matches a regular expression against a string and returns matched substrings.
  • replace strings that match a regular expression
  • repeats the string to n times
  • replaces all occurrences of from with to in the string
  • reverses the string
  • returns the last n characters in the string
  • Create a grouping set for rollup
  • round to nearest integer
  • fill up a string to the length by appending the characters
  • removes all characters, spaces by default, from the end of a string
  • Create a scalar subquery expression
  • SHA-224 hash
  • SHA-256 hash
  • SHA-384 hash
  • SHA-512 hash
  • sign of the argument (-1, 0, +1)
  • sine
  • hyperbolic sine
  • splits a string based on a delimiter and picks out the desired field based on the index.
  • square root of a number
  • whether the string starts with the prefix
  • Create an expression to represent the stddev() aggregate function
  • finds the position from where the substring matches the string
  • substring from the position to the end
  • substring from the position with length characters
  • Create an expression to represent the sum() aggregate function
  • tangent
  • hyperbolic tangent
  • returns the hexdecimal representation of an integer
  • converts a string to a Timestamp(Microseconds, None)
  • converts a string to a Timestamp(Milliseconds, None)
  • converts a string to a Timestamp(Seconds, None)
  • replaces the characters in from with the counterpart in to
  • removes all characters, space by default from the string
  • removes the last n elements from the array.
  • truncate toward zero, with optional precision
  • Create a try cast expression
  • converts the string to upper case
  • returns uuid v4 as a string value
  • Create a CASE WHEN statement with boolean WHEN expressions and no base expression.