Expand description

This module contains the shared state available at different parts of query planning and execution

Runtime Environment

runtime_env::RuntimeEnv can be created from a runtime_env::RuntimeConfig and stores state to be shared across multiple sessions. In most applications there will be a single runtime_env::RuntimeEnv for the entire process

Session Context

context::SessionContext can be created from a context::SessionConfig and an optional runtime_env::RuntimeConfig, and stores the state for a particular query session.

In particular context::SessionState is the information available to query planning

Task Context

context::TaskContext is typically created from a context::SessionContext or context::SessionState, and represents the state available to query execution.

In particular it is the state passed to crate::physical_plan::ExecutionPlan::execute


pub use disk_manager::DiskManager;
pub use memory_manager::human_readable_size;
pub use memory_manager::MemoryConsumer;
pub use memory_manager::MemoryConsumerId;
pub use memory_manager::MemoryManager;
pub use registry::FunctionRegistry;


SessionContext contains methods for registering data sources and executing queries

Manages files generated during query execution, files are hashed among the directories listed in RuntimeConfig::local_dirs.

Manages all available memory during query execution

User facing options for the file formats readers

FunctionRegistry trait

Execution runtime environment that holds object Store, memory manager, disk manager and various system level components that are used during physical plan execution.