
pub use parsers::parse_interval;
pub use scalar::ScalarType;
pub use scalar::ScalarValue;
pub use stats::ColumnStatistics;
pub use stats::Statistics;


This module provides DataFusion specific casting functions that provide error handling. They are intended to “never fail” but provide an error message rather than a panic, as the corresponding kernels in arrow-rs such as as_boolean_array do.
DataFusion Configuration Options
Contains utility functions for shifting Date objects.
A trait to define from_slice functions for arrow types
Interval parsing logic
This module provides ScalarValue, an enum that can be used for storage of single elements
This module provides data structures to represent statistics
Utility functions to make testing DataFusion based crates easier
This module provides the bisect function, which implements binary search.


A macro to assert that one string is contained within another with a nice error message if they are not.
A macro to assert that one string is NOT contained within another with a nice error message if they are are.
Downcast an Arrow Array to a concrete type, return an DataFusionError::Internal if the cast is not possible. In normal usage of DataFusion the downcast should always succeed.
Unwrap an Option if possible. Otherwise return an DataFusionError::Internal. In normal usage of DataFusion the unwrap should always succeed.


A named reference to a qualified field in a schema.
DFField wraps an Arrow field and adds an optional qualifier
DFSchema wraps an Arrow schema and adds relation names
A resolved path to a table of the form “catalog.schema.table”


DataFusion error
Represents a path to a table that may require further resolution that owns the underlying names
Schema-related errors
Represents a path to a table that may require further resolution


Provides schema information needed by certain methods of Expr (defined in the datafusion-common crate).
Convenience trait to convert Schema like things to DFSchema and DFSchemaRef with fewer keystrokes


Create a “field not found” DataFusion::SchemaError
Computes the “reverse” of given SortOptions.

Type Definitions

A reference-counted reference to a DFSchema.
Result type for operations that could result in an DataFusionError
Result type for operations that could result in an DataFusionError and needs to be shared (wrapped into Arc).