
pub use scalar::ScalarType;
pub use scalar::ScalarValue;


This module provides the bisect function, which implements binary search.
A trait to define from_slice functions for arrow types
This module provides ScalarValue, an enum that can be used for storage of single elements


Downcast an Arrow Array to a concrete type, return an DataFusionError::Internal if the cast is not possible. In normal usage of DataFusion the downcast should always succeed.
Unwrap an Option if possible. Otherwise return an DataFusionError::Internal. In normal usage of DataFusion the unwrap should always succeed.


A named reference to a qualified field in a schema.
DFField wraps an Arrow field and adds an optional qualifier
DFSchema wraps an Arrow schema and adds relation names


DataFusion error
Schema-related errors


Provides schema information needed by certain methods of Expr (defined in the datafusion-common crate).
Convenience trait to convert Schema like things to DFSchema and DFSchemaRef with fewer keystrokes


Create a “field not found” DataFusion::SchemaError

Type Definitions

A reference-counted reference to a DFSchema.
Result type for operations that could result in an DataFusionError