pub fn daml_codegen(
    dar_file: &str,
    output_path: &str,
    module_filter_regex: &[&str],
    quote_method: RenderMethod,
    module_output_mode: ModuleOutputMode
) -> Result<(), DamlCodeGenError>
Expand description

Code generator which is designed to be called from build.rs files.

To use the daml_codegen function you must first import the daml crate and specify feature codegen:

daml = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "codegen" ] }

In your build.rs main function invoke the daml_codegen function for a dar file and specify where the generated src code should be created:

use daml_codegen::generator::{daml_codegen, ModuleOutputMode, RenderMethod};
let method = RenderMethod::Full;
let mode = ModuleOutputMode::Combined;
daml_codegen("MyModel.dar", "src/autogen", &[], method, mode).unwrap();

In the example above we used RenderMethod::Full to indicate that we want to render Rust types without intermediate annotations (such as DamlTemplate) and ModuleOutputMode::Combined to combine all Daml modules in a single Rust src file.