pub trait Module {
    type ExecT;
    type QueryT;
    type SudoT;

    fn execute<ExecC, QueryC>(
        api: &dyn Api,
        storage: &mut dyn Storage,
        router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>,
        block: &BlockInfo,
        sender: Addr,
        msg: Self::ExecT
    ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>
        ExecC: Debug + Clone + PartialEq + JsonSchema + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
        QueryC: CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned + 'static
; fn sudo<ExecC, QueryC>(
        api: &dyn Api,
        storage: &mut dyn Storage,
        router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>,
        block: &BlockInfo,
        msg: Self::SudoT
    ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>
        ExecC: Debug + Clone + PartialEq + JsonSchema + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
        QueryC: CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned + 'static
; fn query(
        api: &dyn Api,
        storage: &dyn Storage,
        querier: &dyn Querier,
        block: &BlockInfo,
        request: Self::QueryT
    ) -> AnyResult<Binary>; }

Required Associated Types

Required Methods

execute runs any ExecT message, which can be called by any external actor or smart contract

sudo runs privileged actions, like minting tokens, or governance proposals. This allows modules to have full access to these privileged actions, that cannot be triggered by smart contracts.

There is no sender, as this must be previously authorized before the call
