[]Trait cv::Estimator

pub trait Estimator<Data> where
    <Self::ModelIter as IntoIterator>::Item == Self::Model
{ type Model: Model<Data>; type ModelIter: IntoIterator; const MIN_SAMPLES: usize; fn estimate<I>(&self, data: I) -> Self::ModelIter
        I: Iterator<Item = Data> + Clone
; }

An Estimator is able to create a model that best fits a set of data. It is also able to determine the residual error each data point contributes in relation to the model.

Associated Types

type Model: Model<Data>

Model is the model which is estimated from the underlying data

type ModelIter: IntoIterator

Iterator over the models produced from the data.

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Associated Constants

const MIN_SAMPLES: usize

The minimum number of samples that the estimator can estimate a model from.

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Required methods

fn estimate<I>(&self, data: I) -> Self::ModelIter where
    I: Iterator<Item = Data> + Clone

Takes in an iterator over the data and produces a model that best fits the data.

This must be passed at least Self::MIN_SAMPLES data points, otherwise estimate should panic to indicate a developer error.

None should be returned only if a model is impossible to estimate based on the data. For instance, if a particle has greater than infinite mass, a point is detected behind a camera, an equation has an imaginary answer, or non-causal events happen, then a model may not be produced.

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impl Estimator<FeatureMatch<NormalizedKeyPoint>> for EightPoint[src]

impl<P> Estimator<FeatureWorldMatch<P>> for LambdaTwist where
    P: Bearing

type Model = WorldPose

type ModelIter = Vec<WorldPose>

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