Expand description

cursorvec, vector container with built-in cursor

You can move cursor next and previous with methods, which always guarantee range bounds.

Since cursorvec redirects deref trait to inner container, std lib’s vector methods are also applicable to cursorvec. However cursor will not be automatically updated, thus cursor might not be in range bounds. In such case, call update_cursor manually after or bind the methods inside cursorvec’s modify method.

Operation behaviours

By default, cursorvec’s operations never fails but return boolean or cursorstate enum. You can change this behaviour by enabling strict feature.

cursorvec = { version = "*", features = ["strict"] }

If strict feature is enabled, previous operations that returned boolean value will return a result with error messages. User can redirect those results and handle errors more precisely.


use cursorvec::{CursorVec, CursorState};

let mut vec = CursorVec::new()
    .with_container(vec!["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth"]);

// Move cursor to next and get cursor's value
assert_eq!(Some(&"first"), vec.get_current().value());
assert_eq!(Some(&"second"), vec.move_next_and_get().value());
assert_eq!(Some(&"fifth"), vec.move_next_nth_and_get(3).value());
assert_eq!(CursorState::MaxOut, vec.move_next_and_get());

// Move cursor to prevous and get cursor's value
assert_eq!(Some(&"fourth"), vec.move_prev_and_get().value());
assert_eq!(Some(&"first"), vec.move_prev_nth_and_get(3).value());
assert_eq!(CursorState::MinOut, vec.move_prev_and_get());

// Reset cursor

// Move cursor and tries to get values regardless of cursor success
assert_eq!(Some(&"fifth"), vec.move_next_nth_and_get_always(10000));
assert_eq!(Some(&"first"), vec.move_prev_nth_and_get_always(10000));

// Container with rotating cursor
let mut vec = CursorVec::new()
    .with_container(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);

assert_eq!(Some(&3), vec.move_next_nth_and_get(10).value());
// always is not so differnt from non-always variant if rotation is set
assert_eq!(Some(&7), vec.move_next_nth_and_get_always(4));

// Modify container and update cursor

// Cursor automatically goes to available index
assert_eq!(Some(&5), vec.get_current().value());

// Modify without update can possibly cause out of range error
assert_eq!(CursorState::OutOfRange, vec.get_current());

assert_ne!(CursorState::OutOfRange, vec.get_current());

vec.set_container(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
assert_eq!(Some(&7), vec.get_current().value());

// Use modify method to automatically update cursor
vec.modify(|cont| cont.retain(|num| *num % 2 == 0));

//             Cursor
//               |
// vec![2, 4, 6, 8]
assert_eq!(Some(3), vec.get_cursor());
assert_eq!(Some(&8), vec.get_current().value());


Vector container with inner cursor variable


State of a cursor

Type Definitions

Type alias for operation result