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Align cursive views

This crate provides an AlignedView for gyscos/cursive views which makes it possible to align the child view (center, left, right, top, bottom). The AlignedView uses the required_size reported by the child view and fills the rest of the available space with the views background color.

Aligning a child view

The easiest way to align a view is via the Alignable trait:

use cursive::{Cursive, CursiveExt};
use cursive::view::Resizable;
use cursive::views::{Panel, DummyView};
use cursive_aligned_view::Alignable;

fn main() {
    let mut siv = Cursive::default();

    let panel = Panel::new(DummyView)
        .title("Hello, world!")

    // siv.run()

This is the preferred way as it is chainable and consistent with cursive’s Resizable and Identifiable traits.

As an alternative you can use the AlignedView constructors directly:

use cursive::{Cursive, CursiveExt};
use cursive::view::Resizable;
use cursive::views::{Panel, DummyView};
use cursive_aligned_view::AlignedView;

fn main() {
    let mut siv = Cursive::default();

    let panel = Panel::new(DummyView)
        .title("Hello, world!")
    let aligned = AlignedView::with_center(panel);

    // siv.run()

Supported Alignments

AlignmentConstruction method
top leftalign_top_left
top centeralign_top_center
top rightalign_top_right
center leftalign_center_left
center rightalign_center_right
bottom leftalign_bottom_left
bottom centeralign_bottom_center
bottom rightalign_bottom_right


This struct aligns a child view with a given alignment.


Use this trait to extend all cursive::view::View instances to support the align_... methods.