Crate currycompose

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A crate providing a trait for performing currying (and non-currying) function-composition in rust.

Non-currying composition: h(x) = g ∘ f = g(f(x))

Currying composition: h(…, x) = g ∘ f = g(f(x), …)

When currying, arguments of the function being curried with (f) is moved to the end of the argument-list

Both operands must implement FnOnce. If both implement FnMut or Fn, the resulting composition will also implement these traits.

g must also have one or more argument, where the first argument type equals the return type of f.

use currycompose::*;
// g ∘ f
// where
// g :: f32 -> f32
// f :: u8 -> f32
// g ∘ f :: u8 -> f32
let g = |x: f32| x*x;
let f = |x: u8| x as f32;
let gf = g.compose(f);
let x = 1;
assert_eq!(gf(x), g(f(x)));
// g ∘ f
// where
// g :: f32 -> f32 -> f32
// f :: u8 -> f32
// g ∘ f :: f32 -> u8 -> f32
let g = |x: f32, y: f32| x + y;
let f = gf;
let gf = g.compose(f);
let x = 1;
let y = 1.0;
// note here the argument x has been shifted to the end of the args in gf
assert_eq!(gf(y, x), g(f(x), y));
// g ∘ f ∘ f
// where
// g :: f32 -> f32 -> f32
// f :: u8 -> f32
// g ∘ f ∘ f :: u8 -> u8 -> f32
let gff = gf.compose(f);
let x = 1;
let y = 1;
assert_eq!(gff(x, y), g(f(x), f(y)));


  • A struct representing a function composed with another.

