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//! # 💰 currencies
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//! This crate allows for generic manipulation of currencies (both real-world and
//! cryptocurrencies) via the [`Amount`] struct and the [`Currency`] trait.
//! The [`Amount`] struct is able to represent arbitrary amounts of any supported [`Currency`]
//! with the ability to restrict the underlying currencies at compile-time to only allow
//! checked arithmetic operations and requires consuming an [`Option`] in all fallible
//! circumstances.
//! ### Currency math
//! ```
//! use currencies::{*, currency::*};
//! let apple_cost = amt!(USD, "$3.24");
//! let orange_cost = Amount::<USD>::from_raw(7_97);
//! assert!(apple_cost < orange_cost);
//! assert!(apple_cost + orange_cost > orange_cost);
//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", apple_cost * orange_cost), "$25.82");
//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", apple_cost * 3), "$9.72");
//! let mut total = amt!(DOT, "57622449841.0000000004 DOT");
//! total -= amt!(DOT, "1000.0 DOT");
//! total *= Amount::from_raw(2_0000000000u64.into());
//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", total), "115244897682.0000000008 DOT");
//! ### Checked Math
//! ```
//! use currencies::{*, currency::*, safety::*};
//! // When using currency amounts with `Safety = Checked`, the Amount struct has been specially set
//! // up so that only checked math will be allowed, and you can still use the normal
//! // operator-based syntax. Thus currency amounts like this should never panic and are
//! // suitable for use in critical/infallible environments.
//! let drink_cost = amt_checked!(USD, "$6.29");
//! let movie_cost = Amount::<USD, Checked>::from_raw(24_99);
//! let Some(outing_cost) = drink_cost + movie_cost else {
//! unimplemented!("compiler forces you to handle this!")
//! };
//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", outing_cost), "$31.28");
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
pub use currencies_core::*;
pub use currencies_macros::*;