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GrandProduct Argument

The GrandProduct argument proves the relation:

\[ R_{gprod} = \left\{ \begin{array} {l l|l} (B, p); & (\bm{b}, \bm{r}_B) & B = \bm{b} \times \bm{g} + \bm{r}_B \times \bm{h} \\ & & p = \prod_{i=1}^{\ell} b_i \end{array} \right\} \]

The construction makes use of a discrete-logarithm inner product argument as a subprotocol.


A formal description of the gprod argument is provided in the figure below:

Informal Overview

The prover will take as input the $B, p$ and aims to prove knowledge of $\bm{b}$ such that:

  • $B = \bm{b} \times \bm{g}$ is a commitment to $\bm{b}$
  • $p = \prod_{i=1}^{\ell} b_i$ is the grandproduct of $\bm{b}$

On a high level we aim to express this relation as an inner product argument.

Doing this consists of the following steps:

  • We separate the grandproduct into multiple single product equations;
  • We compress all our equations into a polynomial;
  • We rearrange the polynomial into an inner product equation;
  • We compile the proving system by obtaining commitments to the inputs to the inner product equation;

See the figure below for how the grandproduct argument is compiled into an inner product argument.


The product $p = \prod_{i=1}^{\ell} b_i$ consists of $\ell - 1$ multiplications. Initially we separate these multiplications into $\ell + 1$ separate multiplication checks \[ c_{1} = 1 \ \land \ c_{i+1} = b_{i} c_i, \ i \in [1, \ell) \ \land \ p = b_{\ell} c_{\ell} \] that iteratively define a vector $\bm{c}$. The final check enforces that $p = \prod_{i=1}^{\ell} b_i$ is the grandproduct of $\bm{b}$.


To ensure that each of our multiplication checks hold we compress them into a single polynomial equation \[ 0 = ( 1 - c_1 ) + ( b_1 c_1 - c_2) X + ( b_2 c_2 - c_3) X^2 + \ldots + (b_{\ell-1} c_{\ell - 1} - c_\ell ) X^{\ell - 1} + (b_{\ell} c_{\ell} - p ) X^{\ell} \ \] or equivalently \[ 0 = (1 - c_1 ) + \sum_{i = 1}^{\ell - 1} ( b_{i} c_i - c_{i+1})X^i + (b_{\ell} c_{\ell} - p ) X^{\ell} \] in the indeterminate $X$ where each coefficient is checking a single constraint.


Our eventual goal is to express the equation $(1)$ below as an inner product equation such that we can run an inner product argument. We thus rearrange the $\bm{c}$ terms and see that:

\[ p X^{\ell} - 1 = c_1 ( X b_1 - 1 ) + c_2 ( X^2 b_2 - X ) + \ldots + c_{\ell - 1} ( X^{\ell - 1} b_{\ell-1} - X^{\ell - 2} ) + c_{\ell} ( X^{\ell} b_{\ell} - X^{\ell - 1}) \] or equivalently

\[ p X^{\ell} - 1 = \sum_{i = 1}^{\ell } c_i (X^i b_{i} - X^{i - 1} ) \]


By the Schwartz-Zippel lemma our inner product equation holds with overwhelming probability if at a random point $\beta$

\begin{equation} p \beta^{\ell} - 1 = \sum_{i = 1}^{\ell } c_i (\beta^i b_{i} - \beta^{i - 1} ) \end{equation}

Equivalently \[ z = \bm{c} \times \bm{d} \]


\[ z = p \beta^{\ell} - 1 \ \land \ d_i = ( \beta^i b_{i} - \beta^{i - 1} ), \ i \in [1, \ell] \] We thus require a commitment to $\bm{c}$ and $\bm{d}$.

Initially the prover provides a commitment $C = \bm{c} \times \bm{g}$ to \[ \bm{c} = (1,b_1,b_1 b_2, b_1b_2 b_3, \ldots, b_1 \ldots b_{\ell-1} ) \] The commitment $C$ is hashed to get $\beta$. We now require a commitment $D$ to the vector $\bm{d}$. We have a commitment $B = \bm{b} \times \bm{g}$ to $\bm{b}$. Recall that \[ \bm{v} \times \bm{w} = (a_1 v_1, \ldots, a_{\ell} v_{\ell}) \times (a_1^{-1} w_1, \ldots, a_{\ell}^{-1} w_{\ell}) \] for all invertible $\bm{a}$. Thus we can view $B$ as being a commitment to a rescaled vector $\bm{b}‘$ under an appropriately rescaled commitment key $\bm{g}’$

\[ \begin{align*} \bm{b}’ & = ( \beta^1 b_{1}, \ldots, \beta^{\ell } b_{\ell}) \\ \bm{g}’ & = ( \beta^{-1} g_1, \ldots, \beta^{-(\ell)} g_{\ell}) \\ B &= \bm{b}’ \times \bm{g}’ \end{align*} \]

Now \[ \bm{d} = \bm{b}’ - (1, \beta, \ldots, \beta^{\ell - 1}) \] Hence the prover and verifier compute \[ D = B - \sum_{i = 1}^{\ell } \beta^{i - 1} g_i’ \] such that $D = \bm{d} \times \bm{g}‘$ is a commitment to $\bm{d}$ under $\bm{g}’$.

To finish, the prover provides a discrete log inner product argument, the relation for which is formally defined below, attesting to the existence of $\bm{c}$ and $\bm{d}$ such that \[ C = \bm{c} \times \bm{g}, \ D = \bm{d} \times \bm{g}‘, \ p \beta^{\ell} - 1 = \bm{c} \times \bm{d} \] By design there exists a non-trivial relation between $\bm{g}$ and $\bm{g}’$. The full construction has some additional masking values that are included to ensure zero-knowledge. For simplicity we have ignored these terms in this overview.

Full Zero Knowledge Grand Product Construction

Here we describe the additional steps that we have added compared to the informal overview above to achieve zero-knowledge.

Step 1:

In the first step the prover and verifier both hash the instance to get a random value $\alpha$. This allows the prover to mask $\bm{r}_B$ in the next step even when $\bm{r}_B = \bm{0}$. There are no secrets in this step. The verifier parses all inputs to check that they are group or field elements.

Step 2

In the second step the prover computes a commitment $C$ to $\bm{c}$. The vector $\bm{c}$ depends on $\bm{b}$ and thus must be kept private. Thus the prover chooses a random blinding vector $\bm{r}_{C} \in \bm{F}^{n_{bl}}$. This vector $\bm{r}_C$ is included in the inner product argument in the final step, and thus the prover provides a field element $r_p = ( \bm{r}_B + \alpha \bm{1}) \times \bm{r}_C$ that cancels out the blinders contributions to the inner product. See here that the $\alpha ( \bm{1} \times \bm{r}_C)$ component ensures that $r_p$ is satistically blinded provided that $|\bm{r}_C| \geq 2$.

Step 3

In the third step the prover and verifier compute $\bm{h}’ = \beta^{ -(\ell + 1)} \bm{h}$ as the rescaled part of the commitment key that is used for blinding commitments. The prover additionally computes randomness $\bm{r}_D = \beta^{\ell + 1} (\bm{r}_B + \alpha \bm{1})$ such that $D = \bm{d} \times \bm{g}’ + \bm{r}_D \times \bm{h}‘$ is a commitment to $\bm{d}$. Here $\beta^{\ell + 1}$ does not overlap with the $(\beta, \beta^2, \ldots, \beta^{\ell})$ values that are used to rescale $\bm{b}’$.

Step 4

In the fourth and final step the prover and verifier compute the commitment key $\bm{G} = (\bm{g} \ || \ \bm{h})$ so that they can view $\bm{C}$ as a commitment to the extended vector $(\bm{c} \ || \ \bm{r}_C)$. They do the same for $\bm{G}’$ such that $\bm{D}$ is a commitment to the extended vector $(\bm{d} \ || \ \bm{r}_D)$. They compute $z = p \beta^{\ell} + r_p \beta^{\ell + 1} - 1$ as the inner product of the extended vectors $z = (\bm{c} \ || \ \bm{r}_C) \times (\bm{d} \ || \ \bm{r}_D)$. See that $r_p \beta^{\ell + 1} = \bm{r}_C \times \bm{r}_D$. There are no secrets involved in this step.


A GrandProduct proof object