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The Curdleproofs shuffle argument

The aim of Curdleproofs is to build a shuffle argument of group elements. More precisely, given a public set of group elements $\bm{R} = ( R_1 , \ldots, R_\ell )$ and $\bm{S} = ( S_1 , \ldots, S_{\ell} )$ a shuffler computes a second set of group elements $\bm{T} = ( T_1, \ldots, T_\ell )$ and $\bm{U} = ( U_1, \ldots, U_{\ell} )$ and proves in zero knowledge that there exists a permutation \[ \sigma: [1, \ell] \mapsto [1,\ell] \] and a field element $k \in F$ such that for all $1 \leq i \leq \ell$ \[ T_{i} = k R_{\sigma(i)} \ \land \ U_i = k S_{\sigma(i)} \enspace . \] The permutation $\sigma()$ is committed to in $M \in G$ under some randomness $\bm{r}_M \in F^{n_{bl}}$.

Note that by the $\ell$-$ddh$ assumption it is difficult to distinguish the randomised ciphertexts from truly random values.

In other words we define a zero-knowledge proof for the relation

\[ R_{shuffle} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l|l} (\bm{R}, \bm{S}, \bm{T}, \bm{U}, M); & \sigma & \bm{T} = \sigma ( k \bm{R} ) \\ & k \in F & \bm{U} = \sigma ( k \bm{S} ) \\ & \bm{r}_M\in F^{n_{bl}} & M = \sigma(1, \ldots, \ell) \times \bm{g} + \bm{r}_M \times \bm{h} \end{array} \right\} \]


Curdleproofs uses multiple subarguments to achieve its goals. A graphical depiction of the proof’s flow can be seen below.


A formal description of the curdleproofs argument is provided in the figure below:

Protocol Informal Overview

Let $\ell>1$. The prover will take as input the $\bm{R}, \bm{S}, \bm{T}, \bm{U}, M$ and aims to prove knowledge of $\sigma(), k$ such that:

  • $M = \sigma(1,2, \ldots, \ell) \times \bm{g}$ is a commitment to $\sigma()$
  • $\bm{T} = \sigma(k \bm{R}) $ is a randomised permutation of $\bm{R}$
  • $\bm{U}= \sigma(k \bm{S}) $ is a randomised permutation of $\bm{S}$

Initially all the public inputs are hashed to get a vector $\bm{a}$ of challenges. Then the prover computes values $A = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{g}$, $T = \bm{a} \times k\bm{R}$, and $U = \bm{a} \times k \bm{S}$ which it sends to the verifier. As part of our full construction we require zero-knowledge algorithms for proving and verifying three additional relations: a same permutation relation, a same scalar relation, and a same multiscalar relation.

The prover runs the following arguments:

  • SamePerm argument to demonstrate that $A$ is a commitment to $\sigma(\bm{a})$ for $\sigma()$ the permutation committed to with $M$.
  • SameMultiScalar argument to show the existence of some $\bm{x}$ such that $A = \bm{x} \times \bm{g}$, $T = \bm{x} \times \bm{T}$ and $U = \bm{x} \times \bm{U}$. Where $A = \sigma( \bm{a}) \times \bm{g} = \bm{x} \times \bm{g}$ this gives us that $T = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{T}$ and $U = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{U}$.
  • SameScalar argument to show the existence of $k$ such that $T = k (\bm{a} \times \bm{R})$ and $U = k (\bm{a} \times \bm{S})$.

Together this means that

$T = k (\bm{a} \times \bm{R}) = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{T}$ and $U = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{U} = k (\bm{a} \times \bm{S})$

Where $\bm{a}$ is random this means that $k R_{\sigma(i)} = T_i $ for all $i$ except with negligible probability.

Note that the full protocol has some additional masking values that are included to ensure zero-knowledge. For simplicity we have ignored these terms in this overview.

Full Zero Knowledge Construction

Here we describe the additional steps required to achieve zero-knowledge.

Step 1

In the first step the prover and verifier both hash the instance to get a random vector of field elements $\bm{a} \in F^{\ell}$. There are no secrets involved in this step. The verifier parses all inputs to check that they are group or field elements.

Step 2

In the second step the prover computes a commitment $A$ to the permuted $\sigma(\bm{a})$. The vector $\sigma(\bm{a})$ is private because it reveals information about the secret permutation $\sigma()$. The prover therefore chooses a random blinding vector $\bm{r}_{A} \in \bm{F}^{n_{bl} - 2}$.

Looking forward, the same-permutation argument is only zero-knowledge provided $|\bm{r}_{A}| \geq 2$, thus we choose $n_{bl} \geq 4$.

The prover outputs $A$ together with a proof $\pi_{sameperm}$ demonstrating that $A$ is a blinded commitment to $\sigma(\bm{a})$ for $\sigma()$ committed to in the blinded commitment $M$. The verifier simply checks that this proof verifies.

Step 3

In the third step, the prover computes $R = \bm{a} \times \bm{R}$ and $S = \bm{a} \times \bm{S}$ and the verifier checks that $R$ and $S$ have been computed correctly.

The prover then computes commitments $com_T = (r_T G_T, T + r_T H)$, $com_U = (r_U G_U, U + r_U H )$ to $T = k R$ and $U = k S$ respectively. The commitments are blinded with the masking values $r_T$ and $r_U$. The prover then outputs $com_T, com_U$ together with a proof $\pi_{samescalar}$ demonstrating that $com_T$ and $com_U$ open to $(T,U)$ such that $T = k R$ and $U = k S$ for the same scalar $k$.

Step 4

In the fourth and final step, the prover and verifier first extend $ A’ = A + r_T G_T + r_U G_U$ such that $A’$ includes the blinders $r_T$ and $r_U$.

They also extend the basis $\bm{G}$ such that $A’$ is a commitment to $\bm{x} = (\sigma(\bm{a} \ || \ \bm{r}_A \ || \ r_T \ || \ r_U))$ under the basis $\bm{G}$.

Now if $\bm{T}’ = (\bm{T} \ || \ \bm{0} \ || \ H \ || 0 )$ for $\bm{0}$ a vector of length $n_{bl} - 2$ with every element equal to the identity element then \[ com_{T,2} = k R + r_T H = \bm{x} \times \bm{T}’ = \sigma( \bm{a} ) \times \bm{T} + r_T H \] then we have that $k R = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{T}$ as required. A similar argument shows that $k S = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{U}$.

Thus the prover outputs a proof $\pi_{samemultiscalar}$ demonstrating that $com_{T}$ and $com_{U}$ contain $\sigma( \bm{a} ) \times \bm{T}$ and $\sigma( \bm{a} ) \times \bm{U}$ respectively.


The prover returns the proof \[ \pi_{shuffle} = (A, com_T, com_U, R, S, \pi_{sameperm}, \pi_{samescalar}, \pi_{samemultiscalar}). \] The verifier returns $1$ if and only if all checks pass.

Malicious randomizer attack

The prover might attempt to trick the verifier by using a randomizer $k=0$. This results in all output ciphertexts vanishing, while the proof is still considered valid (since inputs were shuffled and a randomizer was applied). To defend against this attack, the verifier must make sure that at least the first ciphertext is not the point at infinity.


The Curdleproofs CRS

A Curdleproofs proof object


Generate a randomly generated CRS