Struct ctest::TestGenerator [] [src]

pub struct TestGenerator { /* fields omitted */ }

A builder used to generate a test suite.

This builder has a number of configuration options which modify how the generated tests are emitted, and it is also the main entry point for parsing an FFI header crate for definitions.


impl TestGenerator

Creates a new blank test generator.

This won't actually be that useful until functions like header are called, but the main "finalization method" is the generate method.

Add a header to be included as part of the generated C file.

The generate C test will be compiled by a C compiler, and this can be used to ensure that all the necessary header files are included to test all FFI definitions.


use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;

use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();

Add a path to the C compiler header lookup path.

This is useful for if the C library is installed to a nonstandard location to ensure that compiling the C file succeeds.


use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;

use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());

Add a flag to the C compiler invocation.

This can be useful for tweaking the warning settings of the underlying compiler.


use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;

use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();

// if msvc

// if gnu

Configures the output directory of the generated Rust and C code.

Note that for Cargo builds this defaults to $OUT_DIR and it's not necessary to call.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();

Configures the target to compile C code for.

Note that for Cargo builds this defaults to $TARGET and it's not necessary to call.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu");

Set a -D flag for the C compiler being called.

This can be used to define various variables to configure how header files are included or what APIs are exposed from header files.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.define("_GNU_SOURCE", None)
   .define("_WIN32_WINNT", Some("0x8000"));

Set a --cfg option with which to expand the Rust FFI crate.

By default the Rust code is run through expansion to determine what C APIs are exposed (to allow differences across platforms). The k argument is the #[cfg] value to define, and v is an optional value for differentiating between #[cfg(foo)] and #[cfg(foo = "bar")].


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.cfg("foo", None)
   .cfg("bar", Some("baz"));

Configures how a Rust type name is translated to a C type name.

The closure is given a Rust type name as well as a boolean indicating wehther it's a struct or not.

The default behavior is that struct foo in Rust is translated to struct foo in C, and type foo in Rust is translated to foo in C. Some header files, however, have the convention that struct foo_t in Rust should be foo_t in C, for example.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.type_name(|ty, is_struct| {
    if is_struct {
        format!("{}_t", ty)
    } else {

Configures how a Rust struct field is translated to a C struct field.

The closure is given a Rust struct name as well as a field within that struct. The name of the corresponding field in C is then returned.

By default the field name in C just matches the field name in Rust, but this is useful for fields which otherwise are named after keywords in Rust (such as a field name of type).


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.field_name(|_s, field| {
    field.replace("foo", "bar")

Configures whether all tests for a field are skipped or not.

The closure is given a Rust struct name as well as a field within that struct. A flag indicating whether the field should be tested for type, size, offset, and alignment should be skipped or not.

By default all field properties are tested.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.skip_field(|s, field| {
    s == "foo_t" || (s == "bar_t" && field == "bar")

Configures whether tests for the type of a field is skipped or not.

The closure is given a Rust struct name as well as a field within that struct. A flag indicating whether the field's type should be tested is returned.

By default all field properties are tested.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.skip_field_type(|s, field| {
    s == "foo_t" || (s == "bar_t" && field == "bar")

Configures whether a types signededness is tested or not.

The closure is given the name of a Rust type, and returns whether the type should be tested as having the right sign (positive or negative).

By default all signededness checks are performed.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.skip_signededness(|s| {

Configures whether tests for a function definition are generated.

The closure is given the name of a Rust FFI function and returns whether test will be generated.

By default a functions signature is checked along with the function pointer pointing to the same location as well.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.skip_fn(|s| {

Configures whether tests for a function pointer's value are generated.

The closure is given the name of a Rust FFI function and returns whether the test will be generated.

By default generated tests will ensure that the function pointer in C corresponds to the same function pointer in Rust. This can often unconver subtle symbol naming issues where a header file is referenced through the C identifier foo but the underlying symbol is mapped to something like __foo_compat.

Configures whether the tests for a constant's value are generated.

The closure is given the name of a Rust constant and returns whether the test will be generated.

By default all constant values are verified.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.skip_const(|s| {

Configures whether the tests for a typedef are emitted.

The closure is passed the name of a Rust typedef and returns whether the tests are generated.

By default existence of a typedef is checked.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.skip_type(|s| {

Configures whether the tests for a struct are emitted.

The closure is passed the name of a Rust struct and returns whether the tests are generated.

By default structs undergo tests such as size, alignment, existence, field offset, etc.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.skip_struct(|s| {

Configures the name of a function in the generate C code.

The closure is passed the Rust name of a function as well as any optional #[link_name] specified.

By default the name of the generated C reference is the same as the Rust function. This is useful, however, if different naming conventions are used in Rust than are present in C (which is discouraged, however).


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.fn_cname(|rust, link_name| link_name.unwrap_or(rust).to_string());

Generate all tests.

This function is first given the path to the *-sys crate which is being tested along with an output file from where to generate the Rust side of the tests.

This function does not consume the builder, but it is expected that all configuration has happened prior to calling this function.

This will also generate the corresponding C side of the tests and compile it.


use ctest::TestGenerator;

let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
cfg.generate("../path/to/libfoo-sys/", "");