Trait cssparser::QualifiedRuleParser [] [src]

pub trait QualifiedRuleParser<'i> {
    type Prelude;
    type QualifiedRule;
    type Error: 'i;
    fn parse_prelude<'t>(
        &mut self,
        input: &mut Parser<'i, 't>
    ) -> Result<Self::Prelude, ParseError<'i, Self::Error>> { ... } fn parse_block<'t>(
        &mut self,
        prelude: Self::Prelude,
        input: &mut Parser<'i, 't>
    ) -> Result<Self::QualifiedRule, ParseError<'i, Self::Error>> { ... } }

A trait to provide various parsing of qualified rules.

For example, there could be different implementations for top-level qualified rules (i.e. style rules with Selectors as prelude) and for qualified rules inside @keyframes (keyframe rules with keyframe selectors as prelude).

Default implementations that reject all qualified rules are provided, so that impl QualifiedRuleParser<(), ()> for ... {} can be used for example for using RuleListParser to parse a rule list with only at-rules (such as inside @font-feature-values).

Associated Types

The intermediate representation of a qualified rule prelude.

The finished representation of a qualified rule.

The error type that is included in the ParseError value that can be returned.

Provided Methods

Parse the prelude of a qualified rule. For style rules, this is as Selector list.

Return the representation of the prelude, or Err(()) to ignore the entire at-rule as invalid.

The prelude is the part before the { /* ... */ } block.

The given input is a "delimited" parser that ends where the prelude should end (before the next {).

Parse the content of a { /* ... */ } block for the body of the qualified rule.

Return the finished representation of the qualified rule as returned by RuleListParser::next, or Err(()) to ignore the entire at-rule as invalid.
