Crate csml_engine

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Create bot version
Delete all data related to bot: versions, conversations, messages, memories, nodes, integrations
Delete all bot versions of bot_id
delete bot by version_id
Delete all data related to a given Client
Delete all the memories of a given client
Delete a single memory for a given Client
delete expired data
fold CSML bot in one single flow. Rename all existing steps, goto and functions in order to match their origin flow. Examples: step_name: -> flow_name_step_name: goto step_name -> goto flow_name_step_name
get bot by version_id
List the last 20 versions of the bot if no limit is set
Get current State ether Hold or NULL
Return the latest conversation that is still open for a given user (there should not be more than one), or None if there isn’t any.
get server status
List all the steps in every flow of a given CSML bot
Make migrations for PgSQL and do nothing for MongoDB and DynamoDB
Initiate a CSML chat request. Takes 2 arguments: the request being made and the CSML bot. This method assumes that the bot is already validated in advance. A best practice is to pre-validate the bot and store it in a valid state.
Close any open conversation a given client may currently have. We also need to both clean the hold/local memory state to make sure that outdated variables or hold positions are not loaded into the next open conversation.
Simple static CSML bot linter. Does not check for possible runtime errors, only for build-time errors (missing steps or flows, syntax errors, etc.)